27. Perfect

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Jisoo flopped down on his bed. He wanted to just disappear into a black hole and just—

"Gahhhhh!" Jisoo groaned as he rolled around in his bed. Why did he say that? Was he out of his mind? Yup, most probably. That was embarrassing.

While he was at it, he heard a chime from Jeonghan's phone. Jeonghan had left it out on Jisoo's table, afraid it might not work after getting all wet. It seemed to be working fine. Jisoo picked it up checking what the notification was for. It was a message, from someone named Minhyuk?

Minhyuk was Jeonghan's friend, clearly gay. He flirted with anyone and everyone. Jisoo didn't know him all that well though.

Hey! Han, I was wondering if we can become more than friends?

Jisoo raised his left eyebrow.

What? Best friends?

No uhhh something more...

Best-est friends?


that spot is reserved for my Jisoo :)

[Read 7:59 p.m.]

Jisoo giggled.

"Keep your gay hands off my Jeonghannie." Jisoo huffed. But then again, Jeonghan himself said he was gay. Was there a possibility that Minhyuk was the one Jeonghan liked? No way.

Jisoo immediately regretted what he just texted back, but Minhyuk never took relationships seriously as far as Jisoo had heard. It must've been a nice idea... He couldn't bear to see Jeonghan being played on like that. Not under his watch.

He heard the door handle move. He jumped as he deleted the conversation at the speed of light leaving the phone back in its place. Jisoo greeted Jeonghan when he came out acting as if nothing happened, but there was this nervousness in his voice which Jeonghan noticed.

"Uhh thanks for helping out." Jeonghan said, looking gloomy.

"Your face looks like shit you know." Jisoo said, pointing at the black ink marks that still hadn't come off.

"I know." Jeonghan replied, looking at the ground. "I... think I should go home now."

"There's no way you're gonna go out looking like that!" Jisoo said, getting up to stop Jeonghan from leaving. "You wait here. I'll go get my mom's make up remover."


"Jisoo... I really don't understand what you two are up to upstairs... taking my face wash and makeup remover and all. Don't tell me you're doing a makeover of Jeonghan. That poor boy Jeonghan, he just looks like a girl. Let him be." Jisoo's mom complained as Jisoo shuffled through her makeup.

"Nah. I'm not into that stuff." Jisoo said, finally taking out the makeup remover and some cotton. "I'll return this when I'm done."

He sprinted towards his room almost falling off the stairs. He saw Jeonghan sitting gloomily on his bed.

"Jeonghan?" Jisoo called out, taking a seat beside him.

"Ahhh I feel so worthless. Those guys just told me to kill myself. Jisoo... tell me whenever I'm sad or down... why do you always show up like a knight in shining armour. You tell me it's alright and all when I don't feel alright at all. Yet your words make me feel so nice. Why are you so kind? I don't deserve your kindness." Jeonghan said as he shifted uncomfortably.

"You do deserve it. You deserve even more...  you deserve all the happiness in this world Jeonghan. You're an actual angel Jeonghan, and as your Jisoos Christ I won't let you be sad!" Jisoo said, wrapping an arm around Jeonghan's shoulder.

"What the fuck are you even saying Jisoo? 'Jisoos Christ'?" Jeonghan giggled at that bit.

"I sure can be your knight in shining armour then why not your Jisoos Christ? Someone needed to be the Jisoo to your Jeonghan!" Jisoo said getting up and turning off the lights.

"Hey! I still gotta go home you fucker." Jeonghan groaned, immediately feeling Jisoo hug him from behind.

Jisoo started singing in a low whisper right into Jeonghan's ears.
"Pretty pretty please~
Don't you ever ever feel
That you're less than... Fucking Perfect.
Pretty pretty please~
If you ever ever feel
That you're nothing
You're Fucking Perfect... to me..."

Jeonghan turned around to look at him, with his eyes wide. He didn't understood anything he was singing. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing." Jisoo just smiled. "Just— Goodnight~" He said as he pulled him down. "Your face still looks like shit though." Jisoo giggled.

"I'll take care of it tomorrow."

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