64. Boyfriend

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"So? Uhh... when are you telling your mom?" Jeonghan casually asked.

"Telling her what exactly?" Jisoo asked, waiting on the table at McDonalds. It wasn't exactly an ideal first date but Jisoo was leaving for LA the next day so he did whatever seemed cool to Jeonghan.

"You know- about us-"

"I haven't thought about it." Jisoo shrugged.

"Why though? She seems like she'd be cool with it judging from how nicely she treated me after knowing I was gay."

"Hmmm... I don't feel like it. What about you?"

"I can't. My mom's in a great mood recently." Jeonghan said, grinning wide.

"What happened?"

"Long story short- I'm getting a new dad." Jeonghan whispered into Jisoo's ear and Jisoo choked on air.

"What? Why? How? When did this all happen?" Jisoo asked.

"Great news isn't it? He's super nice too."

"B-but are you okay with this?"

"Of course I am!" Jeonghan grinned.

"Hmm I'm happy that you're happy." Jisoo nervously smiled.

Jeonghan seemed quite distracted the entire time. Jisoo was curious and turned to look at where Jeonghan was glancing every few minutes. It was cute couple, flirting on the table just behind their's. Jeonghan was giving them a look of envy. Jisoo giggled, confusing Jeonghan.

"You want me to do that too?" Jisoo giggled.

"What?" Jeonghan asked, snapping out of his deep thoughts.

"...Hold hands as we talk about romantic stuff?"

Jeonghan's face flushed red and he shyly nodded.

"Hey." Jisoo said in surprise, as he reached out to hold Jeonghan's hand. "I never knew you can get shy too."

"I'm human too!" Jeonghan pouted.

"Wow. Really? I thought you said you were an angel." Jisoo teased.

"Shut the fuck up." Jeonghan mumbled, looking down.

"Hey- you can't hold my hand here." Jeonghan mumbled, pulling away his hand as they walked out.

"Why?" Jisoo asked.

"What if the others see us. They'd stare, they'll talk about it." Jeonghan said.

"Jeonghan. You really care a lot about what other people think about you. See- I always thought I knew you the best. You cannot go around keeping secrets anymore. If they say anything I- I'll punch them!"

Jeonghan giggled. "As if your skinny fists could manage to do something like that."

"Hey!" Jisoo pouted. "Don't underestimate my strength."

"Yeah okay. Boyfriend." Jeonghan giggled as he wrapped his own hands around Jisoo's arm.

"W-what did you just call me?" Jisoo asked, flustered.

"Boyfriend." Jeonghan shrugged and gave a big smile to Jisoo. "Do you hate it? Or do you prefer stuff like honey, darling or sweetheart?"

"No. I like it." Jisoo smiled to himself.

"Jisoo~ when can I see you again?" Jeonghan hummed. "I'll miss you."

"Oh it's just a matter of 2 weeks, bear with it." Jisoo scoffed.

"I hope you'll miss me too." Jeonghan pouted. "I'll call you... on your birthday... we'll celebrate it together. Okay?"

"Okay." Jisoo smiled.

"You're smiling a lot today." Jeonghan pouted, a wave of jealousy pouring inside him. How can he stay so happy when Jeonghan's here worried about not seeing for 14 whole days.

"It's because of you. You make my face hurt." Jisoo laughed as he hit Jeonghan on the shoulder. "It's the first time I'm seeing Jeonghan getting all shy. One doesn't see that everyday."

They walked together through the rest of the dark street, holding hands in silence until Jeonghan's house came up.

"Well- uhhh bye?" Jeonghan nervously said, walking up to his door.

"Y-yeah. See you in 2 weeks." Jisoo turned to leave when Jeonghan pulled his hand to make him stop.

"W-where's my goodbye kiss?" Jeonghan asked.

"Ah-ohhh I forgot we were- d-dating already." Jisoo nervously rubbed his hands behind his neck. He slowly leaned in closer to Jeonghan and give him a long kiss before pulling away. "Haha it seems so unreal, who knew I'd fall in love and then date my best friend who's  a guy?"

"Bye Joshuji~" Jeonghan waved.

"That's better." Jisoo said after walking a distance. Jeonghan looked at him in confusion. "That's even better than honey, darling or sweetheart!" He shouted to make himself audible to Jeonghan. Jeonghan just smiled again.

"Joshuji! I love you!!!" Jeonghan shouted and Jisoo ran up to hit him.

"You cannot say that out loud!" Jisoo shouted. "Or do you want the entire world to know we're uhmmm- a thing now?"

"Didn't we already?" Jeonghan smiled again.

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