65. Call me

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"uhhm- Hello?" Jeonghan's voice came up as soon as Jisoo picked up his phone.

"Are you stupid?" Jisoo shouted into the phone.

"Umm what's matter?" Jeonghan nervously asked. It was midnight when he called, it totally slipped off his mind that the time zones were obviously different.

Oh shit.

"Do you have any idea how much international calls cost?" Jisoo shouted again. "I'll hang up now. I'll call you through Skype. Wait here my boy."

"Uh okay?" Jeonghan mumbled and sat there waiting.


"Yeah hello- Jeonghan? I don't see you."

"BITCH WHO TOLD YOU TO VIDEO CALL ME?" Jeonghan shouted, also dropping his phone.

"I missed you. C'mon show me your face. I wanna see your pretty face." Jisoo said from the other end.

"I can't." Jeonghan bluntly said.

"What why?" Jisoo asked from the other end.

"It's midnight here and if I turn on the lights now my mom will get suspicious." Jeonghan explained to which Jisoo rolled his eyes.

"Can't I see my precious baby's face for once?" Jisoo asked pouting.

"Umm what time is it for you right now?"

"It's 8 am. I just woke up."

"Oh shet. Umm then your happy birthday can wait, I especially called you at 12 in the middle of the night so that I'd be the first one to wish you but turns out it isn't even your birthday yet." Jeonghan said, sounding a bit bummed out. "Okay bye."

"Ohh wait wait- you can wish me now. It is my birthday according to your timezone so who cares?" Jisoo said.

"Ah then, happy birthday. You turn 17 right? You're still younger than me haha." Jeonghan giggled.

"Jeonghan? You seem a bit down what's the matter?"

"Oh I'm just sleepy."

"Oh then you can have a good nights sleep. Call me again when you're awake and ready to show me your face." Jisoo said as he proceeded to hang up.

"No. I wanna talk some more." Jeonghan whined.

"Hmm okay. What are you doing right now? okay wait- That's a stupid question. I suppose you were sleeping before you called me?"

"No I was masturbating when thinking about you." Jeonghan bluntly stated.

"You— w-what?" Jisoo stuttered. "Excuse me boy but my mom's inches away from me watching TV." Jisoo stated to which his mom looked at him suspiciously. "Wait a second."

Jisoo walked up to his room and locked the door before talking to Jeonghan again.

"Uhh okay. So- you can c-continue." Jisoo said.

"I was just thinking about you and I- I got a boner and I t-thought of how much I miss you. Time and again I felt guilty because that's not supposed to be the way I loved you b-but you see Jisoo..."

"Woah okay." Jisoo said, causing Jeonghan to stop. "Did you call me to dirty talk like this?"

"Yes and no-" Jeonghan said. "Do you wanna see how big it got after hearing your voice?"

"You fool- I don't want to see." Jisoo shouted into the phone, trying not to feel turned on. It was broad daylight for him for fuck's sake.

"Jisoo~ Jisoo... thank you."

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