41. birthday

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[Trigger warning]
This chapter contains sensitive stuff about bullying which may trigger some people, so please read at your own risk and don't come at me saying I didn't warn. It won't be too extreme, but oh well. Happy stuff will come soon dw

Jisoo lay in bed early in the morning playing the staring game with the ceiling. He rolled around in frustration. He told Jeonghan not to talk to him, but it was his birthday that day. How can he just ignore him on his birthday? Why was he even avoiding talking to him? He was being the same as everyone else.


"That fucking Hong Jisoo." Jeonghan pouted while walking down the empty hallway in the morning. "I can't believe he's ignoring me on my birthday." He scoffed.

"Ohh so it's your birthday today." A guy said, who was nearby with his group of friends. "Well then, happy birthday boy." He snickered. "Or perhaps gurrrl."

"I don't even know you." Jeonghan rolled his eyes, walking away.

"No wait. I'm curious. You're a guy right? You definitely don't look like one." He said, touching Jeonghan's long hair.

"That's because I'm pretty." Jeonghan scoffed.

"And gay." He smirked.

"Bisexual." Jeonghan corrected him.

"Plot twist. He's lesbian." The other guy with him snickered.

"look here. I'm 200% a man. Without doubt." Jeonghan shouted, annoyed.

"Prove it" the guy raised his chin high.

"T-the hell?" Jeonghan stepped back, why would he do that? He grabbed the boy's hand by the wrist and brought it closer to his chest. "Look here. No boobs. Can you fuck off now?"

Whoever he was clicked his tongue giving an unsatisfied expression. Jeonghan didn't like where this was going. "Strip." He mumbled, smirking. Jeonghan choked. Like hell he'd do that- "You two, hold him down." He ordered his two friends who were with him. Jeonghan resisted and wanted to run away that very moment, but the boys grabbed him and led him to a deserted corner. Their grip was strong.

"I-it hurts." Jeonghan squeaked.

"Awww you have a such a pretty voice. You still sure you're a guy?" The boy whispered into his ear, trailing his hand around Jeonghan's crotch and rubbing it. Jeonghan let out a soft moan to which the guy snickered. "Hmmmm... that was a cute moan, I wonder how you moan when you're in bed." He said, sounding a bit disappointed since Jeonghan was actually a guy now that he felt up his crotch. He tried pulling down Jeonghan's pants but Jeonghan kicked his leg. "Ouch, you know that hurts."

Jeonghan rolled his eyes, trying to break free of their grip. The boy proceeded trying to strip him down and tried to pull down his trousers yet again as he took out his phone.

"W-what the fucking hell?" Jeonghan cursed as he started kicking his feet around.

"Ohhhh it's small." He said, waving around his phone to record whatever was happening.

Jeonghan froze.

Why do people have to judge him for everything...?

He felt his self confidence get lower and lower. What did he do to deserve this? There are other gay guys out there... why him? Why?

The two guys just laughed away letting Jeonghan go. "Did you record it well?"

"Of course I did. I'm gonna send this to everyone at school." He giggled, gesturing Jeonghan to shoo away. Jeonghan just stood there staring at the floor as the group of friends walked away laughing loud.

He ran to the nearest washroom to wash his face. So what if he circulates around a pic of his dick at school. He's already getting bullied enough. How worse could it get?

If Jisoo sees it...

Jeonghan blushed as he cupped his face with his hands. How bad could this even get?

"Jeonghan?" He heard Jisoo gasp.

Jeonghan froze.

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