29. weird

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"I promise I'll handle your slender body in my hands carefully as you pant and click the sheets with your hands sexually begging me to-"

Jisoo woke up feeling a loud thud on his butt. He apparently fell off his bed while he was asleep.

"Jesus Christ." He mumbled in shock. "Now is this what they call a wet dream?"


Jisoo walked over to jeonghan's house to pick him up for school. Usually, Jisoo would leave early and walk to school. He liked it better than taking the crowded bus, but he didn't feel like it today.

"Gahhhh. How am I supposed to look him in the eye now?" He groaned, stopping in his tracks. 

Does that make him gay? 

"Well whatever. It was a joke from yesterday after all." Jisoo said to himself.

He went up to ring the doorbell. Jeonghan wasn't the one to open the door, it was his mom.

"Oh good morning, is Jeonghan still sleeping?" Jisoo nervously asked.

"Yes. You can go wake him up, it's getting quite late after all." She said gesturing Jisoo to enter. He did.

It was actually really clumsy of Jeonghan to still be sleeping. But if his mom was aware, she should wake him up. Jisoo wondered, how irresponsible can parents be? But then again, the two weren't in good terms after all.

Jisoo opened the door to jeonghan's room without knocking. He has been visiting so often, nobody cared anymore, wheather to knock or not.

"Hong Jisoo!" Jeonghan gasped, pulling up his trousers at the speed of light. "Learn to knock. Jeez." He said, buttoning up his shirt.

"Ah- oh I'm so sorry." Jisoo said, looking away.

"Haha no need to be sorry." Jeonghan giggled. "So? Why are you here?"

"I came here to pick you up for school."

"Don't you always leave without me?"

"I just... wanted to see your pretty face the first thing in the morning." Jisoo nervously replied.

Jeonghan blushed. "Jisoo?"

"I mean— not really, not in a creepy kind of way or anything I just think you're really very pretty."

"Yeah everyone says that. I can't help it that I'm beautiful." Jeonghan smiled, looking away as he flipped his hair.

"No- They're wrong. You're not just beautiful. You have everything. You are smart, you're good at math. You have manners. You have a nice and slender body. You can sing. You can dance. You can play the guitar, even though I was the one who taught you. You're just so perfect in every way that it makes feel bad that you're friends with me. I feel like I'm might be dragging you down. Everyone loves you. Everyone wants to be friends with you, but you you refuse their offers saying you want to spend time with me. I'm blessed to have you in my life."

"Damn it Jisoo. Stop. You're embarrassing me." Jeonghan said, blushing. "You're acting weird."

"I think I just am a bit weird."

"I don't want to hear compliments from you. Definitely not from you." Jeonghan said, grabbing his school bag. 


"It sounds gross coming from the mouth of your own best friend."

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