63. difference

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Might contain a little smut...

"Jisoo?" Jeonghan called out, entering the room. "How much longer are you gonna take?"

Hearing the shower water still running, Jeonghan assumed it was going to take a lot longer.

He flopped on his bed, rolled around quite a few times before he got up to mischievously fiddle with Jisoo's stuff. He opened Jisoo's bag to look for his homework notebook. He could obviously use it to copy down all the homework Jisoo didn't let him see.

While he was at it, looking through his notebooks... Jeonghan found something that reassembled a diary. Who brings a diary to school? Jeonghan thought and decided to open it.

It just included the usual stuff. How he hates math- about his love for pizza... But something in there caught his eye.

Jisoo came out soon after, with a towel wrapped around his neck, in some comfy lose pyjamas.

Jeonghan started reading out loud.

"Yoon Jeonghan's eyelashes are really long. I wonder if it'd feel like butterflies when I kiss them."

"Jeonghan is so damn dense. Of course I want him to pin me to wall and do me right there."

"I wanna have xxx with that corny bastard who calls me his best friend."

"Hey Jisoo, what do mean by 'xxx' over here?" Jeonghan asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Where'd you get that?" Jisoo shouted, running up to get the diary back from Jeonghan. "You can't go around reading other people's innermost feelings like that?"

"Jisoo." Jeonghan smiled. "You could've just told me... That this is what you meant earlier today."

"Wait- no! This wasn't it." Jisoo stepped back, seeing jeonghan approach him. "I mean- wasn't it you who said you feel guilty doing that sort of stuff with me because you only ever saw me as a close friend. It's fine if you don't want to-"

"Well, we won't know unless we try." Jeonghan replied, reaching for Jisoo's lips. He pushed Jisoo on the bed and continued to kiss him. "Open your mouth Jisoo." Jisoo did.

"Uhhmm isn't this going too fast?" Jisoo said, pushing Jeonghan away.

"Y-you think so?" Jeonghan asked. "How about we play a game?"

"A game?" Jisoo stared back at Jeonghan in confusion.

"Yes. I'll only use my hands to make you cum. If you don't, you win. If you do, I win. Simple. I'd do whatever you say for a week if you win and vice versa."

"Hah! That's easy. I give you 15 minutes. You won't cheat, okay?" Jisoo said, as he set a timer of 15 minutes on his phone.

Jeonghan nodded and started taking off Jisoo's trousers.

"H-hey this was not what I meant-" Jisoo said, pushing Jeonghan back.

"What's the matter? Are you shying away now?"

"It's just- embarrassing..." Jisoo replied, looking away.

"Okay then. Let me turn off the lights. I hope it can make you feel better." Jeonghan said, getting up to turn off the lights.

After he did however, Jisoo pulled Jeonghan towards him and leaned to whisper in his ear. "You can continue now but remember you cannot use even your lips."

"Well fine. I'll make you have a good time." Jeonghan huffed. Jisoo couldn't possibly be underestimating him?

Jeonghan slid his hands inside Jisoo's shirt and traced his fingers all over down to his crotch. He played with his nipples but Jisoo didn't seem to get hard. He tried rubbing his dick with his hands but things didn't seem to work out either way.

"Lie down." Jeonghan told Jisoo. Jisoo looked at Jeonghan, confused but did as he said. Jeonghan licked his fingers, wetting them with saliva as he sneakily slid his fingers inside Jisoo's hole from behind.


"No it's not. Nothing about Jisoo is disgusting." Jeonghan mumbled.

"Sliding your fingers inside someone's asshole sure as hell is the most disgusting thing!" Jisoo said, burying his face into the sheets.

"Don't worry. I read this somewhere- how this stuff is done." Jeonghan reassured.

"Fingering someone's asshole like this- y-you really are the worst..."

"At least you got hard. Besides, you're letting out such sexy moans right now." Jeonghan smirked.

"5 more minutes and I'll make you my slave for the rest of the week." Jisoo cursed under his breath. Cursing didn't suit him. "Fuck-"

"Jisoo. You're so hot inside like- wow!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jisoo looked away. "Aaah~" he moaned.

Jeonghan stopped to look at Jisoo's face. "Did you just-?"

"I'm sorry. Am I being too loud?" Jisoo said covering his mouth.

"Yes. Yes you are but I don't mind it. Nobody's home, you can moan all you want." Jeonghan said. "Hey. Don't hide your face... I wanna look at you."

"No!" Jisoo bluntly stated, hiding his face under the pillow. Jeonghan pouted. "I just feel unusually embarrassed when someone looks at me while I'm at this state, being a mess."

"Shall I slide another finger in?" Jeonghan asked.

"Fucking- don't!"

"Oops I didn't hear you. You need to be louder if you really want me to listen."

"N-no." Jisoo mumbled. "This is cheating"

"I can't hear you."

"I SAID GO KILL YOURSELF!!!" Jisoo shouted into Jeonghan's ear, taking Jeonghan by surprise.

"Oh my god. You're too loud." Jeonghan groaned, placing his head on Jisoo's chest. "Huh? Wow. This place-" he said rubbing his chest with his other hand, feeling Jisoo's heart beat. "... Is making a really amazing sound right now. Are you okay?"

"Y-yoon Jeonghan, I- I think my heart would pop out of my chest any moment if you continue talking. Shut the fuck up for god's sake." Jisoo mumbled. "Please." He said as he moaned.

"Oh wow~ you just came." Jeonghan awed. "I win!"

"Bitch you didn't!" Jisoo huffed, picking up his phone. "The time was already up since 3 minutes ago. I win. Now bow down to me as my slave." Jisoo ordered. "And let's never do this thing again!"

"You finally learnt your lesson I see."

Well... This was different.

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