52. bottom

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"Jeonghan! Where the fuck did you go all of a sudden? You left saying you were sick- are you okay? I was out here looking for you in the infirmary." Jisoo nudged Jeonghan as he spoke. Jisoo assumed Jeonghan was just having a nap skipping PE.

Jeonghan didn't move. Maybe he was feeling too tired and just wamted his beauty sleep?

"Han~" Jisoo pouted. "Are you really asleep?" Jisoo asked, whispering into his ears. Jeonghan didn't flinch. "I'm sure you're just acting." He said, tickling him from behind.


"Oh so you really are asleep."

Jisoo hummed a sweet melody as he flopped down on the desk beside Jeonghan's, admiring his pretty face. Mingyu and others were out for PE while Jisoo just watched his best friend sleeping from a distance in the classroom. Jisoo smiled. He slowly leaned over to plant a kiss on his cheek. As he did however, his eyes grew wide.

Jisoo tapped Jeonghan's cheeks with his hand. "You're so hot Jeonghan. Are you seriously sick?"

"The fuck is even up with with you?" Jeonghan groaned, rubbing his eyes and Jisoo froze.

"Y-Yoon Jeonghan, where you awake when I k-kis- ki-" Jisoo stammered.

"I was having my beauty sleep and you just had to wake me up. What were you even trying?" Jeonghan sounded quite mad.

"N-nothing." Jisoo looked down. "I just-"

Jeonghan sighed. "I'll be leaving early today. Explain the teacher that I felt kinda sick so I left, I'm off bye." Jeonghan said, grabbing his bag and reaching for the door.

"H-Hey! I'm coming with you." Jisoo said, causing Jeonghan to hault.

"What? Why?"

"You're sick." Jisoo said with a concerned expression on his face.

"Ughhh fine." Jeonghan aggressively turned around only to feel a sudden run of dizziness get past him. He almost fell but someone held him. It was Mingyu.

"Jeez. Josh- Come collect your man." Mingyu laughed, seeing Jeonghan so weak.

"I'm not his man." Jeonghan groaned, getting back to his own two feet.

"Yeah yeahhh" Mingyu smiled. "Where are you going? Skipping classes?"

"Jeonghan wasn't feeling well so he wanted to go home. I'll just be dropping him off."

"Jisoo you cannot afford skipping classes you're the teacher's pet remember?" Mingyu commented to which Jisoo scoffed.


"Jeonghan- you're seriously walking like a drunk old man. Walk properly!" Jisoo said as they walked out of school. Jeonghan had been bumping onto Jisoo every now and then like a drunk man.

When they finally reached Jeonghan's house, Jeonghan seated himself on the dining table as Jisoo poured out a glass of water for him.

"How'd you get so sick? Have you not been eating well?" Jisoo asked. "You should take a rest upstairs."

Jeonghan sleepily nodded.

"How'd you even get so sick?" Jisoo asked.

"I don't know. I just met baekhyun I'm the infirmary yesterday jacking off on his own. I just offered him a hand. Didn't know he had a... cold." Jeonghan shrugged, sipping from his glass of water.

"What? You- w-what? Why were in you in the infirmary in the first place?" Jisoo asked, almost shouting.

"I just got a cut on my arm when I was hiding the bushes." Jeonghan shrugged again. Jisoo hated that, him shrugging to his questions like it was no big deal...

"Why were you hiding in the bushes?"

"I was hiding from Sehun. I kinda kissed his girlfriend last week."

"Woahhh what?" Jisoo stepped back in disbelief.

"Sehun too is kinda hot, you know..." Jeonghan started but Jisoo cut him off.

"NO!" Jisoo shouted. "You and Sehun. No. Never. How even? He's a top, you're a top- you two aren't compatible..."

"Woahhh who said I was a top?"

"That's because I'm a bottom-" Jisoo blurted out and Jeonghan froze.

Jeonghan nervously laughed to shoo away the awkward silence which was rising up between the two boys.

"Seriously. What have you been up to recently?" Jisoo asked, looking down.

Jeonghan didn't reply.

"You really do live up to your slutty name tag don't you?" Jisoo huffed as he left Jeonghan to reflect on his actions.

Was he being a slut?

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