40. explain?

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Huhu I found Jeonghan with Jackson today ;)))
*dabdab sent you a picture*

"The fuck?" Jisoo jolted up, sitting straight on his bed holding his phone. The attached picture was of Jackson kissing Jeonghan. When did this even happen? Jisoo did try to avoid Jeonghan that day, he even managed to move his seat to the front so that he didn't had to deal with Jeonghan. He didn't expect him to go around kissing others... How did Jeonghan even know Jackson?

Jisoo ran up to Jeonghan's house to have a talk. He didn't even bother to knock, he invaded Jeonghan's room demanding an explanation.

"Learn to knock." Jeonghan groaned, getting up from his afternoon nap. He didn't quite get why Jisoo looked so pissed. He blinked off his drowsiness to get a good look at the picture in Jisoo's phone. He froze as his eyes went wide. "Where did you get this?"

"Somebody named dabdab sent this to me. Apparently, he sent this to everyone."

"You mean Bambam?"

"I don't know." Jisoo shrugged. "Ahem- now.... Explain!"

"I don't know... he kissed me." Jeonghan casually shrugged.

"And you let him?" Jisoo raised his left eyebrow and gasped, turning away.

"What's your problem though? Didn't you say a kiss really is nothing?" Jeonghan asked.

"Just... Don't talk to me again..." Jisoo said as he walked out, slamming the door shut behind him. Right... A kiss doesn't mean anything... And Jisoo should probably just stop getting his hopes up because of that one kiss by Jeonghan. He did say it was just revenge after all. He should probably just brush away all those gay fantasies going on inside his head."


"Ayoo Hanhan, saw a pic of you kissing Jackson. You seemed pretty into it." Jaebum snickered as he butt slapped Jeonghan as he passed by. "Dunno what's up with gays though. In my opinion, balls are disgusting."

"Look who's talking." Jeonghan scoffed. "Like you aren't head over heels for Jinyoung?"

"Treat your seniors with respect, will you?" Jaebum said, turning to him but Jeonghan walked away.

Jeonghan didn't see what was so wrong about it, he liked it... It's his problem... No one else should be judging him for that. But then again, he didn't know Jackson all that well. Was he really being a slut?

"Hey" a girl said, stopping Jeonghan. "Who's the girl and who's the boy in your relationship with Jackson?"

"For the hundredth time, I'm not in a relationship with him." Jeonghan said, annoyed.

"How does it feel like to be gay?" She excitedly asked. Did it seem like some sort of joke to her?

"Wanna know?"

The girl nodded. She was kinda cute.

"Nah, I won't tell you." Jeonghan said, flashing out his tongue teasingly.

Jeonghan couldn't really say he was gay. He was bisexual. Was there any difference?

"Can you like still kiss and hook up with girls and get them pregnant even of you're gay?" Now that's stupid. The girl looked adorable, fiddling with her fingers like that. She seemed just geniunly curious, but perhaps she was probably there to make fun of him. He could kiss that girl right now... To prove he can... Yes. He can and he will...

He lightly tapped his lips onto her's, he pulled away and smirked. "Sure I can." He said as he winked. "I'm bisexual to be exact by the way. You must've known." He walked away feeling chills run down his spine. He kissed a girl. An actual girl. To think he did something so daring... He felt he shouldn't go around kissing girls since it was because of the same reason why everyone says he's a slut and doesn't care if the one in front of him is a boy or a girl. Was that wrong?

Kissing girls is a normal thing, and it should be.

Just as he was collecting his thoughts he heard someone call out his name.

"Had fun sucking dick last night?" He heard someone giggle from across the hallway.

When will this ever stop?

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