54. you're hot

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"J-jeonghan? I... Brought food-" Jisoo knocked the door to Jeonghan's room. He had packed some leftovers from dinner. There was no answer so he just opened the door.

Jeonghan practically screamed. "COULDN'T YOU JUST KNOCK THE DOOR!???"

"Cut it out with your deafening screams- you're crazy." Jisoo seemed a bit shaken up. He saw jeonghan pull out his hands from his pants. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I- I was just checking"

"Checking what?"

"Checking if my dick shrunk because the hot soup spilled over it-"

"THAT ISN'T EVEN SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE-" Jisoo snickered at jeonghan's stupidity, stepping in. "Did you take a bath? You hair are wet-" he snatched a towel and started drying out jeonghan's hair. "Your hair smell nice. What shampoo do you use?"

"Doesn't matter-" jeonghan scoffed. "It's all because you spilled hot soup over me. Moreover, TOMATO SOUP?? I'm allergic to tomatoes you know?"

"Just because you don't enjoy eating something doesn't mean you're allergic to it." Jisoo giggled.

"I did eat up the leftover soup you made though. I thought it'd go to waste." Jeonghan mumbled.

Jisoo scoffed. "Excuse me- but you don't eat soup, you drink it-"

"Excuse me what?"

"You drink soup not eat it-"

"No we eat soup."

"Gahhh this is pointless. One consumes soup- PEACE!" Jisoo groaned. "So?" He asked. "Did it shrink?"


"Your dick- you just said you-"

"Holy fuck it didn't"

"Ah it's good" Jisoo said, sitting beside jeonghan.

"What's good?"

"That it didn't shrink- I mean didn't this one guy called it small and you cried-"

"Shut up- your dick isn't any bigger. It seemed the same size. But it seemed so much bigger inside my mouth-"

"Okay! Let's not talk about it. Didn't you say that yourself? Don't bring it up-" jisoo said, feeling weirded out at how casually the two were talking about their own dicks.

"Yeah... Jisoo?"


"You know, before I met you... I was always alone. The kids used to make fun of me because I looked like a girl and mom made me go to school with a pineapple ponytail. Like a fountain- here." He said, pointing at the top of his head. Jisoo chuckled imagining it. "They made fun of me because I used to sleep alot but you know what it was different when I met you though. Everything was different. It was the first time I made an actual best friend. You were special to me. You always are. I always feel like, if I let you go, I'd be lonely again. You are soooo special to me you might not know. I love you... More than anyone else in this world. But you know what- that love is just love. Its supposed to be pure. Even if you say you're gay as well... I think if I do that kind of stuff with you, it won't be as pure anymore...we can't be called friends anymore. We can't do what we do anymore. Everything will change, and don't want anything to change. It's nice like this... As best friends-"

Jisoo raised his eyebrow. Did jeonghan thought it through as to how he should be kindly rejecting Jisoo?

"Also. I'm really not that dense you know, I know you like me that way. I mean- I never thought this would happen. But you said you were gay... For me. Don't you like- think of holding my hand as we walk to school, don't you wish to go on dates with me and do cheesy stuff, like kissing me all over my face, wanting to have sex with m-"

"HEY!! I don't think that way-" jisoo said, defending himself about the last statement.

"Don't worry... It's fine- I understand that feeling. You're the most important person to me. My closest friend. You'd be the number 1 in my world even if I end up getting a boyfriend or girlfriend. The thing is that- you're just too special to me."

"I don't know what you're getting at. If you're rejecting me it's fine..."

"No!" Jeonghan said taking off his shirt.

"Why are you stripping now!??" Jisoo asked shifting away.

"Because I know this turns you on." He smiled.

"Okay now you're just being horny..."

Jeonghan shuffled closer to Jisoo and pulled him into a hug. "How hot am I right now?" Jeonghan whispered into his ear.

"You mean- the hot kinda hot or the warm kinda hot?"

"Hmmm I don't know.. "

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU'RE SO HOT RIGHT NOW!! I told you you're just horny and sick. Go get your shirt back on and sleep." Jisoo shouted.

Jeonghan smiled. "You mean- the hot kinda hot or the warm kinda hot?"

"B-both..." Jisoo said, looking down.

"Fuck-" jeonghan mumbled, embarrassed. "Did you just call me hot?" He asked cupping his face his hands.

"Sure I did." Jisoo looked away. "Ah- I also brought food. Those are just leftovers from dinner. Do you want me to feed you?"

"Yes please."

How can he just act like normal after being rejected like that? I didn't even get to finish- Jeonghan thought.

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