28. bet

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"Yoon Jeonghan" Jisoo called out.

"Yes shua" Jeonghan playfully replied, flicking Jisoo's nose.

"Ow! What was that for?" Jisoo groaned in pain.

"You're adorable." Jeonghan smiled.

"You're weird."

"I know."

"Jeez." Jisoo said looking away. There were totally not skipping school that day... yeah. Jeonghan didn't wish to go to school so they just planned to fool around in a neighbouring cafeteria, where they might get caught but they didn't care. They were sitting at the opposite ends of the table, talking about completely random stuff. "Like I said...why is a building called a building if it's already built?"

"I don't know Jisoo. You're the English master here."

"The same goes with ceiling. Why is it called a ceiling if it's already ceiled?"

"Don't eat my brain, Jisoo."

"—here's your drink." the waitress said placing a glass of coke on the table. "need anything else?"

"ah I'd love to have some ice cream." Jisoo replied.

"Which flavor?"


"Pfft-" Jeonghan laughed. "Jisoo you're so boring. Vanilla is like the most boring and bland flavor out there." 

"No it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"Your girlfriend sure talks a lot." The waitress giggled.

"Excuse me?" Jisoo looked up at her, shocked. Did she literally buy jeonghan for a girl.

Jeonghan was silently giggling as he covered his mouth.

"Skipping school to hang out with your girlfriend..." the lady smiled. "How adorable~ I wish my school life was as thrilling and exciting. Don't worry kiddos enjoy yourselves. I won't report you. Vanilla ice cream, right. I'll bring it right away." She waved and left, giggling.

"So? boyfriend." Jeonghan said, resting his face on his palm as he cheekily smiled.

"What now?" 

"What? Ain't I your girlfriend."

"No you're not. You're a man and I'm not gay."

"Oh so you would've approved if you were gay?"

"Yeah, I'd be sucking your dick if I were gay."

"Damn it Jisoo." Jeonghan said with wide eyes.

"I said if I were gay, and I'm not." 

"But you're like the gayest person I've met."

"and how is that?"

"Body language. I bet if I don't prove you to be at least a bit gay by the end of this year I'd do the fire noodle challenge."

"That trend died years ago."


"Deal! If you do prove right, I'd be the one doing the fire noodle challenge."

Jeonghan smirked. "No. I'm not that much of an easy going person. If you turn out to be gay you'd suck me off."

"W-what? When did we got this far?" Jisoo said, shocked.

"You just said you'd be sucking my dick if only you were gay. It's a joke after all. What's the problem then?"

"No! I didn't mean it like that. What if I actually--"

"What if you actually..." Jeonghan eyed him.

"Jeez! I accept."

Not like he'd actually turn out to be gay.

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