38. ain't I cute?

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"Tiny jisoos singing for the church choir? Are you kidding me? This can become a legit meme." Jeonghan snickered, going through Jisoo's old photo albums. "your church boy image at school wasn't false after all."

"Give it back I only wanted to show this one pic" Jisoo said snatching away the heavy albums.

"Which one is it?"

"This one! Ain't I cute?" Jisoo asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Did you really just brought me here to look over at your baby pictures?" Jeonghan scoffed. "This one's cute by the way." He said, holding up a picture of 4 year old Jisoo doing a v sign in front of a statue. He looked exceptionally cool over there.

"I know right. I cleaned out every possession I had back in my old house." Jisoo said with a proud grin. His room seemed fuller than before. He probably had a lot more stuff to show Jeonghan that day.

"Can I keep it?" Jeonghan childishly asked, taking out to picture to admire it properly.

"Absolutely not, I don't give away my innocent baby pictures for people to fap to."

"Look, I won't fap to it. I promise." Jeonghan said with a pout. Jisoo was amused to see how casual he was about it. "Not like I fap to anyone but my one and only-"

Shoot. He said too much.

"Your one and only... who?" Jisoo raised his left eyebrow.

"not like it matters." Jeonghan nervously laughed, looking away. He immediately grabbed another picture to change the awkward topic. "Look at this one. This is so funny. Look at yourself." Jeonghan laughed taking out his phone to take a picture. "Imma post this on the Internet as a meme with captions 'when your mom asks you to pose for the picture but you're going through your emo days.' Imagine, you'd get famous."

"In your dreams bitch." Jisoo shouted, pushing him away and grabbing his phone to delete the picture he took. "I was hardly in my pre-teens. It doesn't matter." It had been a while since they laughed so much together.

"Ahhh you're so bad Jisoo. You pushed me so aggressively. Angels are supposed to be taken care of gently." Jeonghan said pouting.

"Oh and by the way... did something happen while I was gone? Did anyone bully you?" Jisoo said, focused on cleaning up the mess the two had created,

Jeonghan remained quiet for sometime before replying. "Nah, everything's cool." For him, being back together with Jisoo was enough. He didn't want to ruin the happy mood they both were in.

"Then why were you crying at the door?" Jisoo eyed him. He knew something totally happened.

"Jisoo... why did you kiss me?"

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