43. take responsibility

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"It's dark in here." Jeonghan mumbled. "...and cramped. Did I ever tell you I hated cramped places. It's suffocating. Oh- hey- don't touch me at weird places!" Jeonghan whispered to which Jisoo apologised. The only source of fresh air and tiny bit of light were the narrow kind of blinds on the door.

Jisoo could actually feel Jeonghan's hot breath on him. Boy, he could hear his own heart beating faster. It was so quiet and well- suffocating and just- dark.

"did I ever tell you how I love the smell of cleaners?" Jeonghan said, grabbing one and opening the lid to inhale the smell. Jisoo scoffed at Jeonghan's stupidity.

Jisoo took out his phone and tunrned on the flash. "TADAA!" Jisoo said, proud of himself that he came up with that idea to bring some light

"You should've come up with it sooner. Shit- ahh turn it off, my eyes hurt." Jeonghan said covering his eyes, Jisoo did. It was getting quite awkward. Jisoo fiddled around with his phone while Jeonghan just watched.

"Ohh I got a message." Jisoo mumbled as he sank to sit upright properly. Jeonghan followed.

"Show me!" Jeonghan said, snatching his phone away. He feared that it may be that guy forwarding the picture of his—

He was right.

"Give it back!" Jisoo said, trying to snatch it back but Jeonghan deleted it at the speed of light and sighed. If he sent it to Jisoo, he probably sent it to everyone. Jeonghan saw this coming but not in such a humiliating way. What was even left of his image now?

He gave the phone back to Jisoo. Jisoo asked what was up with him but Jeonghan just shook his head.

"No. Tell me something happened. I know it."

"First swear that you won't laugh." Jeonghan said to which Jisoo nodded.

"I swear I won't."

"Ugh— How should I say it?" Jeonghan said, burying his face in his hands. "I uhhh... nope I can't tell you now that I think about it."

"What the fuck Jeonghan, you're being lame."

"It's not about being lame. It's about my image."

"Look- Jeonghan I'll never judge you for anything."

"Promise you won't." Jeonghan squeaked. Why was Jisoo so nice? It's kinda unfair. Jeonghan blinked away his emotions as he spoke. "This morning... some guys tried to strip me to check whether I was really a guy and apparently... they- did. They even took pictures of my—" Jeonghan stopped, he could already feel awkward, this was so embarrassing. He didn't want to have Hong Jisoo of all people to know what happened, but he did told him everything. He wanted to cry. He did...

"Pictures of your... cock?" Jisoo guessed, thinking that'd be too extreme.

"YES HONG JISOO." Jeonghan covered his face with his hands, sobbing silently.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Jisoo shouted. Jeonghan gestured him to hush down his voice but Jisoo was still shaking.

"He said he'd send it to everyone at school."

"Jeonghan- I'm telling you... why don't you tell a teacher? Now this is getting too extreme. You know what? Who were they? I'll beat up their asses."

"You can only talk. Weren't you the one who said you'd protect me, but you started ignoring me for no reason at all."

"Look- I had my reasons."

"Like what?"

"I was embarrassed."

"...of what?"

"That kiss you gave me..."

Jeonghan scoffed "weren't you the one who said a kiss is nothing?"

"a kiss means a whole lot to me!"

"Now you're contradicting your own statement--" Jeonghan got cut off by Jisoo's lips on his. He kissed him. Jeonghan pulled away fast. It was already so suffocating, yet Jisoo was making it even harder to breath. "Hong Jisoo, you're straight. Stop it."

"I am not."

"Yes you are."

"I must know my own sexuality better than you okay."

"So are you admitting you're gay?" Jeonghan asked, a tad bit- no-scratch that... totally acting like the panicked gay in that situation.


"Jisoo, your words really are making little to no sense." Jeonghan eyed him as Jisoo invaded his lips again, this time going for a longer kiss. Jisoo pulled away and Jeonghan laughed like it was somehow very funny. "Wow- Jisoo you shouldn't be lying." Jeonghan said, rubbing Jisoo's crotch teasingly. "Look here-- WHAT THE HELL YOU ACTUALLY WENT HARD?" Jeonghan felt it up in awe. Why was he even feeling up his best friend's dick? He immediately pulled away, embarrassed.

"Look here." Jisoo said, pointing towards his boner. "It's because of you."

"I- I'm sorry?"

"Ha!" Jisoo scoffed. "You're sorry... sorry? You turned me completely gay and this is all you have to say?"

"Look here. Nobody in this world turns gay. They just realize they're gay." Jeonghan corrected him.

"A-anyhow! T-take responsibility o-okay." Jisoo blushed, avoiding eye contact. It was too dark to see his face anyway.

Jisoo didn't know what he was saying, he went hard for his best friend... His best friend? And he was saying all these embarrassing stuff? Was that supposed to be a confession? That sucked though...

"I'm sorry Jisoo." Jeonghan said with his eyes wide. "...but I only ever saw you as a close friend."

Jisoo froze.

Did he just got friend-zoned?

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