45. or rather?

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Jeonghan walked around the school hallway as soon as the lunch bell rang. He couldn't bear the murmurs going around in the classroom while he was there. That guy did sent it to everyone. He still had no idea where the hell Jisoo went.

"Bro, I just saw this-" jihoon came up waddling behind soonyoung. Soonyoung looked genuinely worried. He didn't quite get what exactly was going on with Jeonghan. He didn't want to interfere since he knew most rumours were false. He couldn't see Jeonghan getting cat called and bullied like that. It hurt his heart to see Jeonghan, one of his most precious friends, in such a tight situation. But this was going too far-

"Don't- you dare... speak a word about it-" Jeonghan said, shutting Soonyoung up. "Just act like you saw nothing... and I'll act like nothing ever happened."

"I can't, my eyes are scarred." Jihoon mumbled.

"By just seeing another man's dick?" Soonyoung tilted his head.

"Gahhhh." Jihoon mumbled. "There was also this pic circulating around about Jeonghan kissing Jackson. Like- jeez Jeonghan... it cant be all revolving around you if you're innocent. The other day, i heard tzuyu talking about how you kissed her out of the blue. Boy, there's a limit to..."

"Ahem-" Soonyoung cleared his throat. Jihoon shouldn't have said something like that. Jeonghan stared at the floor gloomily.

"Yeah... it probably must be all my fault. I'm just too pretty." He said as he ran away. The entire world seemed to be against him at that particular moment.

"Woahhh... what a cocky bastard." Minhyuk said, entering the conversation between Soonyoung and Jihoon. "Calling himself pretty and all 24/7"

"Who are you?"

"Me?" He asked, comfirming if they had really asked him even though it was already obvious. "I'm Jeonghan's best-EST friend." He declaired, smirking.

"Hey- but wasn't it Jisoo?" Soonyoung asked, confused.

"That boy's old school now."

"Oh please." Jihoon mumbled, ready to start a fight. Jisoo was the one Jeonghan trusted the most, obviously. 'best-est friend?' Jihoon scoffed. Was that supposed to be a joke? It should be.


"Hong Jisoo!" Jeonghan shouted banging the door to Jisoo's house, ringing the doorbell impatiently. His mom came running downstairs to check who it was. "Woahh okay chill my baby boy. You'd wake Jisoo up. He's sleeping."

"Mom! If Jeonghan comes to meet me just tell him I'm not home!" Jeonghan heard Jisoo shout from upstairs. What an idiot.

His mother nervously laughed. "Y-you heard him..."

Jeonghan didn't care and bowed to Jisoo's mother sprinting upstairs to Jisoo's room.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!?" Jisoo almost jumped, seeing Jeonghan entering the room. He cleared his throat. "W-what brings y-you here?"

"About the bet- you lose. You admitted you were gay before the end of this year." Jeonghan huffed. He gasped for air. Jisoo's heart dropped "The fire noodle challenge... Lets do this. I wont let you off easily."

Jisoo sighed. But wasn't the bet about...

"Or you'd rather prefer sucking my dick-?"

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