13. stay away from him?

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"Look. Jisoo, Junhui is my close friend... and I accept him for who he is." Jeonghan said to Jisoo as the two walked their way to school.

"I'm not asking you to stay away from him- but I'm asking you to just be careful around him. What if he--"

"Why do you care?"

"I'm your best friend."

"What if I say no?"

"He'll take advantage of your innocence!"

"We've been friends since I was in elementary school."

"You're going through puberty now!!"

"Oh well. He won't do that. I didn't know my friend was a homophobe." Jeonghan said, flipping away his long hair onto Jisoo's face.

"Who said I was a homophobic?" Said Jisoo, brushing them off.

"Yes you are."

Jisoo followed angry Jeonghan to his classroom, Jeonghan was joined by the new friends he made in his new class and Jisoo was left out. He groaned and made his way to his class only to stumble upon a tall guy. Woahh~ he's tall. Jisoo thought. Jisoo looked like a mere cupcake in front of him. 

"Oh I'm sorry." Jisoo bowed. 

"Oh you're Wonwoo's classmate. Right?" Asked the tall guy. He seemed nicer than he looked.

"Uhh yeah..."

"I was right! I saw him biting your ear the other day. So, uh- ahem- what's your relationship with him?

"Oh we're just friends." Jisoo said laughing away.

"Are you two close?"


"Can I uh- ask you a favor?"

"Yes. Of course!" Jisoo smiled. He did not expect the tall guy to have a crush on Wonwoo. He said his name was Mingyu. They ate together that recess. 

I'm talking to a gay person oh shet. Jisoo shivered. Ever since he was young, he was taught that being gay was bad. It was a considered a bad thing in their religion.

"Who said I was a homophobic?" The words he had just said to Jeonghan that morning echoed inside his brain. 

"Sure. I'll help you." He said as he got up. Mingyu had asked Jisoo to help him with his love problems. He sure felt uncomfortable, but it didn't turn out to be all that bad. Mingyu was really clumsy for his looks. It made Jisoo wonder how a person so handsome can be so big of an idiot. "I can give you his number if you want~" Jisoo winked at him. 

Mingyu's eyes lit up. "I swear I'll love you forever!" Mingyu said as he grabbed the piece of paper Jisoo gave him which had Wonwoo's number. 

Jisoo smiled at the adorableness of this boy. To think love can do such things to someone. Out of nowhere he felt two feminine but manly palms over his eyes. 

"I can tell it's you Jeonghan just by the sound of your breath."

Jeonghan pouted. "I ignored you for like hardly half a day and you go around making new friends."

"Awww~ Don't worry, I know my Hani cannot stay away from me for long."

"So? well uhh- Jisoo?" Joenghan asked.


"Can you come over at my place tonight?"

"Oh is your mom out again?"

"No. I was about to ask Junhui but you asked to stay away from him so I thought maybe you can-" Jeonghan paused. "I really think I have a sleep disorder. I really need someone to talk to before I sleep. And we aren't able to spend much time together lately so-"

"Ohhkay damn Jeonghan, I'll come. Just be honest and say that you missed me."

"Like hell I would say something so embarrassing." Jeonghan mumbled.

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