33. bully

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"strip!" Jisoo ordered.

"Like hell I would." Jeonghan raised his eyebrow. He thinks I'd strip just because he told me to?

"You think acting like it's nothing would make me believe you. Yoon Jeonghan, you're clearly getting bullied. Look at youself. Your uniform's all dirty and messed up. Who hit you? Tell me."

"I told you I don't want you to know..."


"Because I don't want you to get worried over nothing. Besides, it's my problem." Jeonghan said, opening his closet to take out fresh clothes. He unbuttoned his shirt and let it slide down exposing his bruised back.

"I knew it." Jisoo jolted up, walking up towards jeonghan. He grabbed his shoulder and pulled jeonghan towards him. He had many bruises on his waist. They must've hit him hard. Why would they even do that? There were scratches on his arm. Jeonghan's trousers were torn around the knee cap area. Jisoo pulled them down, causing a flustered jeonghan to hit his face with his knee. His knee was scraped and bleeding.

"I-i fell while running away." Jeonghan admitted.

"Yoon Jeonghan." Jisoo started, shocked to see him in that state. "You're a complete mess right now."

"I know."

"Why do you do this to yourself? You should have called me..." Jisoo said, his tone getting softer as he spoke.

"You were spending your quality time with your family. In fact! I-"

Jisoo pulled jeonghan into a tight hug, cutting him off. "You think you're my second priority?"

"W-well? Obviously." Jeonghan sank to the ground.

Jisoo sighed, and giggled. He playfully blew out air into his ear causing Jeonghan to shiver.

"What the hell was that for?"

Jisoo just smiled.


"Call me Joshua."

"You know I can't pronounce it well. It makes me sound funny."

"Shua will do."

"Okay the-"

"Joshuji will also do. I like that name."

"I thought you hated it."

"I like it now."

"Hong Josa?"

Jisoo gasped, pulling away from the hug. "You know what, Jisoo is still the best name."

Jeonghan giggled.

"Just tell me what happened."

Jeonghan sighed, "Ah- remember the guys who called me a faggot at the cafeteria one day? The leader of their group one day just came up to me trying to flirt. I thought he was gay but apparently, he just mistook me for a girl. He seemed really grossed out when I told him I was in fact a guy. At first he didn't believe me, but when I told him I was serious. He called me names, he called me gay multiple times. Since then, he has been seeking every opportunity to embarrass me in front of his so called friends."

"He actually bought you for a girl?"

"Yes. He even tried to undress me to make sure-"

"Woah woahhhh wait- he tried to undress you in order to check. That's clearly rape." Jisoo looked into jeonghan's eyes with burning anger.

Jeonghan looked away.

"Was he the same guy who pushed you that day when we were on our way to class?" Jisoo asked.

Jeonghan shook his head. "No. He was his friend."

"How does that asshole even has friends? You need to tell a teacher!" Jisoo exclaimed.

"No." Jeonghan bluntly replied. "Not the teachers..."

"Why?" Jisoo frowned.

"I just- don't know. I don't want them to get involved. Ahhhh~" Jeonghan groaned in pain. Jisoo tightened his grip on jeonghan's shoulder.

"How did they hit you? Why are there so many bruises? How can you talk so casually like that? This is super serious. You get me?"

"He.. uhh- hit me with a bat... A baseball bat-"

"-AND YOU'RE TALKING SO CASUALLY ABOUT THAT!?" Jisoo tightened his grip.

"J-jisoo. It h-hurts!" Jeonghan said, pushing jisoo's hand away.

Jisoo grabbed jeonghan's hand and started rubbing his palm with his fingers. He brought it closer to him and tapped his lips onto the back of jeonghan's hand. "I swear, I'd kick his ass."

"H-h-ong J-jisoo? D-did you j-just kiss my hand?" Jeonghan felt his blood rise up. His cheeks were burning. He actually just realized he was only in his boxers. "W-what the h-hell?" He pulled his hand away. He dragged himself away from Jisoo.

Jisoo himself didn't realize what he just did. It was so unlike him.

"I-i gotta go take a shower." Jeonghan stood up and clumsily ran up to the attached bathroom.

"I can help you if you want-" jisoo trailed as the door slammed shut in front of him.

Oh well...

"How and why in the world would someone bully him just for being pretty..." Jisoo mumbled to himself. That was something he didn't get... At all... It wasn't jeonghan's fault that he was prettier than the girls.

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