53. i can't be with just ANYONE

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"That bloody asshole. Who does he think he is?" Jisoo flopped down on his desk, frowning.

"What are you sulking over today?" Mingyu asked.


Jisoo didn't even realize why he was sulking in the first place. He was worried about jeonghan but his ego was too strong to actually get him to call him and ask if he's alright.

He did end up calling him to check if he was alright. Jeonghan picked up his call and replied with an almost dead, messy tone.

"Woahh jeonghan you sound like you're dying." Jisoo joked, a laugh escaping his mouth.

"Hah- am I not?" Jeonghan joked back, coughing.

"I'm in front of house right now- do you want to see me?"

"W-what you're h-here to see me? Wait a s-second-" jeonghan shouted into the phone and cut the call.

Jisoo heard a loud thump from the other end of the door. Jeonghan apparently, fell off the stairs while running downstairs.

"Jeonghan- are you alright?" Jisoo asked, concerned.

Jeonghan opened up the door and forced a smile. "Yes. Everything is fine. It's totally not like I just hurt my butt on my way here."

"Woahh. Jeonghan. At least bother to wear something. You can't go around in just your boxers when you're sick." Jisoo told jeonghan as they headed to jeonghan's room. Jisoo felt his cheeks burn. How dare he? Was jeonghan trying to flirt? Was he purposely doing that?

"That's because I feel so hot." Jeonghan whined as he got back into his pyjamas.

"Yeah yeah fine~" jisoo smiled, tucking jeonghan into his bed.

"Jisoo..." Jeonghan called out.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Jisoo asked. Jeonghan nodded. "Wait- I didn't bring any food with me. Can I use your kitchen?"

"Of course." Jeonghan giggled.

"Then I'll be right back."

Jeonghan buried his face into the sheets and let out a sigh. Jisoo came to see him... Wasn't he mad at him just the day before?

Jisoo returned after half an hour or so with a bowl of hot soup. Tomato soup.

"Tomato soup?" Jeonghan frowned. "Are tomatoes the only thing you found inside my fridge?"

"Hey! Stop complaining-" jisoo stopped to see jeonghan sweating so excessively. "-hey! Are you... Alright?"

Jeonghan nodded, jisoo charged towards him to check his temperature... The thermometer showed 104° Fahrenheit. Probably, jeonghan's condition was much more serious than expected.

"Strip!" Jisoo commanded and jeonghan just looked at him, confused. "I said... Strip!!"

"Woahh okay damn" Jeonghan nervously said as he took off his shirt.

Jisoo brought a tub of water from the bathroom, soaked a handkerchief into that cold water and started wiping off jeonghan's burning body with it. Jisoo did that out of instinct- Only after admiring jeonghan's beautiful torso he realized he was doing something that must've been embarrassing for both of them. Oh- but aren't they both boys? It shouldn't matter. Right...?

"S-soup!" Jisoo snapped out of his daydream about him licking jeonghan's pink and puckered up nipples... "H-here- drink up!" He said, accidentally spilling the hot soup over jeonghan's crotch.

Jeonghan almost screamed. "Hong Jisoo!!!! What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry. T-take off your pants I'll fix this for you- no! I mean-"

"Like hell I would."

"Oh come on. We're both guys- and not to mention we have blown each other off as well. What's so embarrassing?" Jisoo bluntly asked.

"I told you to forget that ever happened." Jeonghan mumbled, wiping off the stain on his pants with the handkerchief. Jisoo snatched it away to help him do the needful.

"Why?" Jisoo asked, rubbing jeonghan's crotch with the handkerchief. "Like- you're gay, I'm gay, why can't we just-" Jisoo stopped when he noticed that jeonghan just went hard.

"Jisoo! Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can hook up with just anyone..." Jeonghan replied.

"Yeah but I'm not just anyone. I'm your best friend. Here you go around giving blowjobs to a person you barely know and go around kissing random strangers, calling random guys hot but you just can't come to me when you need someone." Jisoo started.

"Jisoo... You're my.. best friend..." Jeonghan mumbled.

"I fucking knew it.." Jisoo scoffed, pushing jeonghan off the bed.


"Oh look how the mattress is all spoilt now. I will send this to the laundary soon. Where do you keep the change of sheets?" Jisoo said, changing the topic. "Also! I'll leave soon. You should be taking care of your uhhh... Erection.. right now. There's more soup kept in the kitchen. I'll stop by again at 8 with something to eat."

Jeonghan blushed noticing that he had went hard just over Jisoo rubbing his crotch.

"B-bye!" Jisoo said as he left, leaving the messy room as it is.

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