34. Kiss

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"whassup?" Jisoo greeted, placing his food tray on the cafeteria table.

"Where's Jeonghan?" Soonyoung asked.

"He's out there waiting in the queue to get strawberry ice cream." Jisoo scoffed. "Who even likes strawberry flavoured stuff in this day and age. It's for girls."

"Did anyone say strawberry ice cream?" Wonwoo jumped, sprinting at the speed of light to line up in the queue.

"So childish." Jihoon muttered.

"I'm back my homies." Jeonghan came back, seating himself beside Jisoo. He smiled over at Jisoo causing him to blush.

"What's with that bruise on your face?" Mingyu asked Jeonghan.

"Ah- that"

"Jeonghan, I told you to hide it with concealer." Jisoo whispered into his ear.

"I just kinda... fell yesterday."

"I see." Mingyu nodded getting back to his business, that was eating of course.

"Yoon jeonghan!" A heavy voice called out from a distance. "Did you sleep with my girlfriend this Saturday?" A guy came marching towards him.

"W-what?" Jeonghan stood up, turning to face him. "No!"

"I sure saw you kissing her last Saturday after school." The guy replied. He was very loud. The attention of the entire cafeteria was now turned towards them. Jisoo didn't get what was going on.

"She was the one who kissed me!"

"Have you not learnt your lesson after all that beating?"

"W-wait- jeonghan? Is that the reason why he beat you?" Jisoo asked, confused. "And what are you saying... Y-you kissed a g-girl?"

"Jisoo, I'll explain everything later. Right now, please let us talk in private..."

"Why? What are you afraid of? That the entire school will find out about you being a whore?" The guy raised his voice.

"Hey! How can you call him that? And for you kind information, he was with me that night. He couldn't be sleeping around with your girlfriend."

"As expected of that faggot, he sleeps around with boys and girls alike."

"Can we just take this outside?" Jihoon asked in small voice.

"You know what? You're just jealous your girlfriend likes me better than you. To get things clear, we only kissed. I did not sleep with her. Now get lost!"

"Guessed so, you must be busy sucking dick." He tried getting serious by grabbing his wrist but as he saw the lady at the counter approaching them with a serious expression. He grabbed the water bottle on the table and emptied it over Jeonghan's head before he ran away muttering "fucking faggot"

The old lady just came up to them and sighed. "You okay?" She asked and jeonghan nodded, feeling the water running down his head.

But jisoo on the other hand was definitely not okay. Jeonghan kissed a girl? A fucking girl? "Jeonghan?" Jisoo called out.

Jeonghan grabbed Jisoo by the arm and gestured him to follow him outside. There were people muttering shit like "woahhh is he a homo?", "gay" as they walked out. "You're such a whore yoon jeonghan!" A guy shouted. What did they even know? Just because a popular guy calls someone faggot, doesn't mean he actually is.

"Yoon Jeonghan... What was that? I need an explanation." Jisoo asked. Jeonghan stopped walking.

"Jisoo... you won't judge me will you?" He asked, with water dripping from his head.

"I won't."

"Remember? I talked about this one girl I had a crush on in middle school who got a boyfriend soon after..." Jeonghan started, pulling him into a corner of the corridor. "She said she liked me yesterday... I- i of course didn't know what to say so I just said I liked her too but..."


"She kissed me- I don't know why... a-and id be lying if I said I didn't kiss back b-but it was my first kiss. I liked it..."

"But didn't you tell me you were gay?" Jisoo asked, sounding a little bummed out.

"Bisexual" Jeonghan corrected him. "I didn't know she was that guy's girlfriend... a-and he saw that."

Jisoo's lips were now pressed into a thin line. "Well, it's your fault..." he mumbled.

"What are you saying, Jisoo? You don't trust me?"

Jisoo remained silent.

"I mean- I thought... since it was my first kiss, s-she must take responsibility..." Jeonghan trailed. "Jisoo?"

"What's in a kiss?" Jisoo asked, staring at the floor.


"A kiss is just a kiss right? I can kiss you right here, right now and it wouldn't even be all that big of a deal-"

"Jisoo, w-what are you trying to-" Jeonghan was cut off as he felt jisoo's lips press against his. Jisoo pulled away instantly muttering an apology.

"I'm s-sorry." Jisoo apologised. He turned to run away but banged his head on a pillar. "S-sorry." He apologised to the pillar. Why? That was embarrassing. Who apologises to a fucking pillar? His non-existent image in front of Jeonghan was completely and utterly  ruined at that moment. He sprinted towards the restroom leaving Jeonghan all confused.

"Why are you so weird, Jisoo?" He mumbled, rubbing his fingers over his lips.

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