59. asshole

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"ughhh why don't go and suck off that sehun tonight? why are you even here- to piss me off?" jisoo scoffed. heading towards his bedroom. "also, you'd be sleeping on the floor tonight."

"hey! you don't need to act so salty over nothing." jeonghan said.

"i'm not acting salty over nothing."

"oh so you're jealous?" jeonghan wiggled his eyebrows.


"no need to deny it, boy." jeonghan said, interrupting jisoo.

"why don't you go stick to that stupid guy you like?" jisoo aked, looking away.

"he isn't stupid." jeonghan gave jisoo the look.

"oh i'm sure he is stupid. and also a big asshole too, because you only ever like assholes." jisoo huffed, opening the door to his room.

jeonghan gasped. "you're calling yourself an asshole now?"


"hong fucking jisoo is an asshole."

"no i'm not!"

"you're a big asshole. you just admitted that yourself."

"what i-?"

"idiot! you're the one i like."

"stop joking." jisoo said, handing jeonghan some change of clothes.

"i told you. hong jisoo. i love you the most in this world. the thing is that- you're just too precious to me. i can't date you." jeonghan replied.


"because that would ruin everything."

"what exactly would it ruin?"

"our friendship-"

jisoo face palmed. "are you stupid?" he asked. "oh- who am i even fooling? you're the absolute definition of stupid."

"hey!" jeonghan looked down. "aren't you like- satisfied with what we are? we joke and fool around to have fun"

"do you think this will change?"

"i don't fucking know! jisoo, that's the problem. what does dating even mean? how is it any different? i too wish to hold hands as we walk to school together, i also wish to go on dates and kiss you all over. i wish to just hug you as we sleep. i don't want anything else. you're too precious to me." jeonghan said tearing up. "i'm scared that i-if y-you-"

"bro?" jisoo looked at jeonghan in disbelief. "you're crying? like-for real?"

"you're too precious to me jisoo." jeonghan mumbled again, pulling jisoo into a tight embrace. 

"b-but hey- really though- i don't get you..."

"that's because you're an asshole!" jeonghan mumbled.

"yes! a big asshole who'd always remain head over heels for you no matter how stupid you get." jisoo said, patting jeonghan.

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