11. Get a haircut!

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"So? Jeonghan, how does it feel to finally pass out and be in 9th grade? Do you feel old? More mature?" Jisoo said, standing on Jeonghan's bed, using his closed fist as a mic, impersonating an interviewer.

Jeonghan seemed lost, spinning around in his rotating chair, playing with his hair.

"Ahem—" Jisoo cleared his throat. "Do something with your hair. Why don't you get a haircut?"

"I like them long."

"Then at least pin them. Do you have any hair pins?"

"My mom does. Let me take a look." Jeonghan said as he left the room.

He came back with some hair pins and gave it to Jisoo. Jeonghan gave him a questioning look. He didn't knew what Jisoo was about to do with them. Jisoo got up saying, "Make way for hairdresser Josh!"

After a few minutes of Jisoo pulling experiments on Jeonghan's hair, Jisoo spoke up. "What's up with you wanting longer hair all of a sudden though?"

"Why do you care?"

"I'm your best friend."

"Heh. Since when?" Jeonghan giggled.

"DONE!!" Jisoo shouted, excited.

Jeonghan didn't expected much. He walked up to the mirror and was dumbstruck to find himself looking unexpectedly gorgeous. "Wow! Jisoo, where did you learn this?"

"Well, I guess I spend way too much time on the internet."

"Really though... I like this. How did you pin my bangs up like this?"

"Ohh it's quite simple. Look--"


"Awwwks, we're not in the same class this year." Jisoo pouted, standing in front of the bulletin board where the class distribution was given.

"Well... We can always meet up after school or at recess." Jeonghan reassured, patting Jisoo. Though he himself felt sad that he won't be able to fool around with Jisoo in the middle of the class.


Jeonghan has really started growing out his hair. Jeonghan was already pretty to begin with, and his hairstyle made him look even more prettier.

"You really need a haircut, Jeonghan." Soonyoung would say.

"Woahhh~ Who's this pretty boy over here?" Seungkwan would tease.

"My wife~" Seungcheol would joke.

Jeonghan would never admit it, but he didn't like it. The long hair of his. They got annoying as they got longer. It would tickle his neck. His mom liked them, and he'd do anything for his mom to like him. He always suspected that his mom always wanted a daughter. That's probably the reason why she never liked him for who he was.

The girls started to flock around him everyday at school. Jeonghan found it annoying. He got popular. He made new friends. Was that really what he wanted?

"You look beautiful today." Said his most treasured friend, Jisoo that morning.

Jeonghan didn't give a reply. He didn't like being called beautiful. He preferred people to call him handsome or good-looking. But any compliment by Jisoo made him feel good, in a different way. "T-Thanks?"

"Aww don't act all shy. Let me tell you. You really look prettier than any girl over here at school."

"Is t-that a good thing?" Jeonghan asked.

"Of course it is! I even see guys following you around like they're head over heels for you. You attract both males and females. You know how cool is that?"

"But wouldn't those guys be termed gay?"

"Jeonghan. Weren't you one of those who just wants to seek attention? Why do youy care? I feel nice to be friends with someone like you." Jisoo wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Also, don't worry about those gays. They're disgusting."

"They're disgusting..." The words echoed in Jeonghan's head.

"I g-guess? And well, it does actually feel good..." Jeonghan said.

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