15. i love you

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Just another day at school, Jisoo was scolded for day dreaming again. Jisoo couldn't help but wonder what his best friend might've be up to every second. He wasn't able to find Jeonghan in his classroom at recess. He looked around in the cafeteria, but he was still nowhere to be found.

It was sketchy since the two usually ate together at school, be it privately or with their friend circle. He asked around but nobody seemed to know where he was. He ended up eating with Mingyu and Wonwoo at the cafeteria. He was successful at the cupid game. He lowkey felt proud. He was being nothing but a third wheeler at that particular moment though.

The school ended and his bestfriend was still nowhere to be found. Seungcheol said that he must've left school early since his school bag was not there. Jisoo knew something had went down. He ran as fast as he could to his house. It was locked.

He looked around and was surprised to find him in the park in their locality, sitting on a swing... crying.

"Jeonghan?" Jisoo slowly walked up to him.

Jeonghan immediately looked up, his face was glazed with tears. Wiping away his tears, he started. "Oh hi Jisoo. What brings you here?"

"Don't 'oh hi Jisoo' me. You're crying!"

"Hahaaha no I'm not." Jeonghan said, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes. You are." Jisoo said, grabbing Jeonghan by the shoulders, with a concerned look on his face.

Jeonghan pushed him away. "I'm not."

"Jeonghan. You seriously take me as an idiot, don't you?"

"I told you I'm not crying." He said as more tears streamed down his face. Jisoo suspected something had happened.

"Something happened. Right?" Jisoo asked.

Jeonghan didn't gave a reply.

"Is it something about that girl you like?" Jisoo asked.

"No. I told you she already has a boyfriend." Jeonghan replied.

Wow, he got over her pretty quick. Jisoo thought. That made him even more curious as to what Jeonghan was crying for.

Jisoo moved over and took a seat on the swing beside Jeonghan's. "It's fine. If you don't want to tell me... But you know... One feels lighter when they share their problems. Being sad together is better than laughing alone, right?"

Jeonghan sniffed.

"What is it?" Jisoo held his hand.

"It's my mom."

"Oh did she forget your birthday again? But your birthday isn't anytime soon."

"No. The thing is that I love my mom, more than anybody else in this world." Jeonghan started. "More than anybody else... but I don't know if she loves me back. For as long as I can remember, she always wished to have a daughter. Even without a husband, she mumbles under her breath saying something like 'I wished you were a girl' to me every now and then. I wanted to be someone she can love. I did, but it just makes me feel even more worthless. I want someone to accept me for who I am, but nobody cares about me."

"Is that why you grew out your hair?" Jisoo asked.

Jeonghan nodded.

"And don't say that. I care about you. I accept you for who you are."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not."

Jeonghan snorted.

"Have you tried telling her?"


"That you love her...."

"Why should I say something so obvious?"

"You never told her how much you love her just because it's so obvious. God! Jeonghan. Have you ever done something to let her know that you care?"

Jeonghan shook his head.

Jisoo's grew big in surprise... "Never?"

Jeonghan pouted. "But wouldn't it be weird to say something like that out of nowhere? But... but I know, she must love me too. More than anyone else. I'm sure. Probably..."

"Jeonghan. You're shying away from your own mom?"


"Jeonghan, my mom always told told me. If you love someone, you just tell them. Even if you think if it's not the right thing to say at the moment, even if you think that it'd ruin everything you've built up so far. But just let the person know they're loved. Feeling loved is the happiest feeling one can get. Going and telling I love you will make her happy, deep inside. I'm sure. Everyone wants someone to love them."

Jeonghan gasped.

Jisoo just stared into the sky, admiring the sun set.



"I love you."

Jisoo's heart dropped. Did Yoon Jeonghan just say that he loved him? Before he even realised it, his face flushed red.

"...Am I supposed to say it like that?" Jeonghan continued.

Jisoo let out the biggest sigh of relief.

Jeonghan noticed it. "What?"

"N-No! It's n-nothing. Really."

"Oh did you assume I really meant that for you?" Jeonghan asked, with his eyes wide. A tint of red appeared on his face.

Jisoo remained silent.

"Pfft--" Jeonghan burst out laughing after that awkward silence. "sERIOUSLY JOSHUA. YOU ARE SO ADORABLE- I CANNOT HELP IT AT TIMES"

"Nooo! It's totally not like that."

"Awww don't worry~ I love you too, a lot." He said, standing up. He walked up close to Jisoo and leaned his head against Jisoo's. "Of course I love you." Jisoo felt uncomfortable. "I'm your best friend after all."

He said as he ran away.

Jisoo was left speechless.

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