37. same

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"Ewww you're drawings are so ugly. Why do you even draw?"

6 year old Jeonghan held his crayon tighter in his hand and continued to scribble on his drawing pad. He felt a kick on his butt by the same guy. Jeonghan flinched, trying to hold back his tears. It was the everyday thing. The kids used to call him 'chubby han' and made fun of him because he had feminine features and long hair tied up in a pineapple pony tail on top of his head. It looked like a fountain arising from the top of his head.

"Hey. Your mom won't come to pick you up today. She's busy with work." The teacher said to Jeonghan, gaining his attention. Was that anything new? "I'll drop you off instead, but you'd have to wait until I finish my work. Okay?" She smiled at Jeonghan.

Jeonghan nodded. He didn't like going to school, everyone used to make fun of him. He didn't have any friends. His so called friends did nothing but make fun of him. He complained to his teacher but she just used to smile saying they're just playing with him. Is that supposed be called playing?

Jeonghan turned back to draw in his drawing pad but another kid had scribbled over his drawings. "Boy, is that supposed to be naruto? He looks kinda funny."

"Yeah." Another kid joined him. "Hey let me look." He said, leaning to grab the notebook. He tore away the pages with anything pink on them. "What is up with excess of pink? Are you girl or something? Man up."

Jeonghan rushed to grab the torn pages fallen on the ground. He treasured his drawings very much, his mom used to say his drawings were pretty... he never had a strong will though. Probably that was the reason why he gave up pretty soon. Everyone even made fun of his singing voice. They said his voice was too soft. Too girly...

None of it was his fault. Nobody liked him.

"Wen Junhui!" Jeonghan shouted, banging the front door of his house. "Please. Open up, I swear I won't talk about your insecurities again!"

"Go home!" Jun shouted from the other end of the door.

Fuck. Jeonghan cursed. He had gone to Jun to talk about stuff but he was just so absorbed in the topic about Jisoo, he didn't realize he hurt Jun by calling him "China boy." Jun said that was racist... was it?

Nothing was in the favour of the young boy that week. He just wished to check up on Jisoo but his ego was too strong at the moment for that. Jisoo didn't attend school at all that week. Jeonghan wanted to know what was up.

"I'm fucking everything up." Jeonghan said to himself, gloomily. "How am I supposed to know what to do next?" He closed the door to his house shut behind him.

"You haven't been bringing over Jisoo these days..." His mother shouted from the kitchen, microwaving some sandwiches. That was all she could afford to do. Stale food was all they could eat in that house. Why was she even asking about Jisoo? Well... After all, she cared more about him anyway.

"Why do you care so much about him? Why don't you just adopt him already?" Jeonghan shouted, throwing his school bag on the couch.

Oh how he hated the way she cared more about Jisoo.

Everything was the same as back then. Nobody cared about him.


What are you up to?

I was studying with soonyoung
I'm so pissed
He poked me in the butt with his penis
And now it hurts

W H A T  O___o

I meant PEN
Stupid autocorrect
'Kkay gtg
See ya

"Woahhh" Jeonghan giggled. He laughed a bit and then got up to get some fresh air outside. Even if Jisoo isn't there, he has his other friends to keep him smiling. He doesn't need Jisoo.

Yeah... he doesn't need him. Probably that's the reason why he found himself in front of his house. He rang the doorbell hoping someone would show up. Jisoo did.

"Hong Jisoo!" Jeonghan snapped. "Why didn't you come to school at all this week? You know how much I was worried? Do you even know?"

"Oh so you were worried, about me. Woahh." Jisoo smiled softly.

"I m-mean, not exactly b-but..." Jeonghan stammered. "Where were you anyway?"

"I went to LA with my mom and dad because it had been quite sometime since I last visited... that's all. I forgot to tell you haha and you know how expensive international calls are." Jisoo nervously laughed. "Why do you look so irritatated though, did something happen?"

"You damn asshole, I was lonely. I missed you. You're a liar, a big fat liar. You said you'd p-protect me, y-yet you just disappeared. I hate you." Jeonghan said with tears in his eyes. He tried to blink them away but he couldn't help but allow them of fall. He lightly punched Jisoo on the chest. He missed him. A lot. He walked closer to hug him. He leaned his head on his shoulder and cried, soaking Jisoo's shirt. Jisoo had no idea why he was acting so differently. He probably really missed him.

"Jeonghan... I want to show you something." Jisoo smiled and Jeonghan looked up, curious.

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