58. awkward

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"uhh so?" Jisoo awkwardly glanced around after seeing Jeonghan at the door.

"What?" Jeonghan innocently blinked.

"Why are you here?"

"Your mom called me for dinner.. right?"

"Oh yeah. Yes. C-come in." Jisoo nervously replied, gesturing jeonghan to come in.

"Why in the world are you acting so awkward?" Jeonghan questioned seeing Jisoo tense up. He leaned closer to ask again because Jisoo didn't seem to listen.

"Jesus Christ Jeonghan, do you even know what personal space is?" Jisoo shouted, pushing Jeonghan away.

"Aww come on!" Jeonghan pouted. 

"Please- i really have no idea what goes on inside your mind or whatever you're trying to do."


"ah- so I heard you're gay?" Jisoo's mom asked, handing him a plate of rice and curry.

Jeonghan almost choked on nothing. He didn't know if she was talking about him or Jisoo.



"Your mom told me you were gay- is that true?" 

"H-how did she know?" Jeonghan looked at her in surprise. "And wait- you talked to her? When?"

"Jeonghan, you're like a second son to me. You can talk to me whenever you want. Your mom's really worried about you."

Jeonghan scoffed "My mom's worried... about me...? She went on to get a boyfriend at this age, she stays over at his place each night, leaving me all lonely and sad! and you expect me to believe that? I sure as hell know she's planning to abandon me after she marries that retard anyway"

Jisoo gasped. "Didn't you say she usually worked overtime?" he asked. "jeonghan... you've- you've really been through a lot..."

Jisoo's mom ignored his statement and continued. "That's why Jeonghan, I'm saying-"

"I KNEW IT!! THAT YOUNG LADY SHOULD RETHINK HER WAYS OF PARENTING!" Jisoo exclaimed, causing his mom to shut him up.

"Jisoo, she can't help it. Imagine yourself getting pregnant at this age, you won't be able to handle it." 

Jeonghan giggled.

"MOM! I'm not a girl- I can't get pregnant-" Jisoo gave his mom the most disgusted face he could make.

"Ask Jeonghan." Jisoo's mom shrugged. This caused Jisoo to tense up.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Hong- but I think you're assuming things." Jeonghan spoke up.

"Oh so are you not in a relationship with Junhui?" She asked.

Jisoo choked on his food. Jun?

"No!" Jeonghan shouted. "He's just my neighbor. Besides, I don't even talk to him recently."

"But isn't he gay as well?"

"Just because two people are gay doesn't mean they can hook up together- everyone has their types.." Jeonghan clarified himself.

"Oh so you don't have a boyfriend yet?"

Jeonghan nodded, glancing over at Jisoo.

"Well, i just wanted to say, that you don't need to be afraid... I fully support you. I believe everyone has a freedom to love and-"

"Woahhhh mom, weren't you supposed to be really religious?" Jisoo looked at her in disbelief. He expected her to make weird comments about Jeonghan's sexuality. He didn't expect her to be so understanding.

"Shut up, boy. ah- so where was I? Jeonghan! You don't have a boyfriend yet, right? Is there somebody you like? Like- the person who made you realize you're gay?"

"Yes!" Jeonghan beamed. "I have one."

"What is he like?" 

"Hmmmm- he's really kind and sweet. He makes me laugh whenever I'm depressed- he deserves all the happiness in this world but I don't think I'm good enough... I just- don't want to take it too fast."

"And who is that he?" Jisoo asked, eyeing Jeonghan.

"I told you... it's a secret." Jeonghan winked.

Jisoo huffed. "Can you please just- fuck off!?"

"Oh my! Jisoo who taught you to speak like that?" Jisoo's mom gasped. Jisoo just eyed Jeonghan. 

"Okay Jeonghan you can now go home! It's getting late." Jisoo said, glancing over at Jeonghan's empty plate. 

"Hong Jisoo! Mind your manners. The boy isn't going anywhere." Jisoo's mom shouted. "Ah- Jeonghan? Do you want to stay over for tonight?" 

"Of course!"

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