48. of course

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"He's gonna regret rejecting me. Me, Hong fucking Jisoo will not let this end here!" Jisoo groaned, taking deep breaths now and then to warm himself up since he was walking to school early in the cold morning. Though summer had hardly ended, early mornings sure were cold. He wanted to be the first one to go to school that day, he always walks out of his house with that motive in mind. He didn't even get to wish jeonghan a 'happy birthday' yesterday. That made Jisoo feel even more sulky.

Right now, he was just salty over how jeonghan friendzoned him twice yesterday. He didn't even confess properly. He was sure jeonghan didn't even take it as a confession either. It wasn't a confession, so Jisoo's probably safe.

"I'm Jeonghan sexual." Yuppp... that was totally not a confession.

Jisoo walked to his classroom expecting it to be empty but saw a few guys scribbling over Jeonghan's desk. They won't stop, will they? Jisoo thought to himself. He walked in and the guys ran away, cursing. Jisoo couldn't do anything about it though. He hurled over to Jeonghan's desk to see what the fuss was all about.

Mistah smol-weiner




Jisoo felt his chest ache reading all of that. That was what had become of his best friend. Why him? Why Jeonghan of all people- The angel of the school... has to suffer like this?

Go kill yourself.

Jisoo felt an arm around his shoulder, he could tell it was Jeonghan just from his scent. Jisoo locked eyes with him, Jeonghan gave him the 'wassup bro' look. Jisoo was not having it. Is that how you're supposed to act after sucking your best friend's dick less than half a day ago?

"This..." Jisoo said, pointing at Jeonghan's desk. "Why do they do this to you?"

"That's just my bad luck I guess..." Jeonghan laughed nervously. "The world is full of homophobes after all."

"But you're bi you can get a girlfriend or two if you want-" Jisoo started but Jeonghan shook his head. "-you can show them that you can act straight."

"Whom will I be even kidding then?" Jeonghan giggled. "Besides I-" Jeonghan wrapped his hands tighter over Jisoo.

"Hey! Yoon Jeonghan." Some kid called out, entering the empty classroom. "Here's the novel Jihoon borrowed from you last week. He's sick at home with a flu so he told me to- ahem." The guy coughed seeing Jeonghan's face so close to Jisoo. "Wow- haha- what are you two doing?" He snickered at the two. He handed jo Jeonghan the book and leaned over to whisper. "did you enjoy sucking his dick last night?" He joked to which Jeonghan giggled. Jisoo pressed his lips into a thin line, getting nervous. That sure did happen last night.

"Yes I did." Jeonghan beamed. "It was so big- it almost didn't fit inside my mouth. My favourite part was when he came all over my face. It tasted like shit though. Eating cum is something I won't recommend but you know what-"

Jisoo just looked at Jeonghan with wide eyes.

"Woahhh- okay damn. I'll be off then." the guy said as he ran off.

"Damn it Jeonghan. What was that? Everyone will hate you more if they find out that you say such things?" Jisoo asked surprised.

"Was I lying?" Jeonghan smiled. "I thought over it last night. Why must people judge me for everything? Should their opinions even matter to me? I think not. Starting today, I want to be myself. I don't care if people hate me or not. Besides- I have this one girl who confessed to me while I was on my way to class today. I guess I'm not that hated after all." Jeonghan said as he winked.

"What did you reply with?"


"About the confession-"

"Oh- I refused of course. I already have a person I seriously like at the moment."

"—And who is it?"

"it's a secret mistah cherry boy." Jeonghan said as he flicked Jisoo's forehead. "Are we having English today? Aghhh I suck at it. Can you help me out? Can we sit together like we used to again ?"

"Oh of course..."

Was Jeonghan doing it on purpose? Did he even get the hint? He probably knows Jisoo's feelings for him, yet he's acting so dense... Who even is that guy he likes?

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