25. Jeonghan?

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"Ughhhh... why am I such a loser?" Jisoo groaned.

"What has even gotten into you?" Jeonghan asked, sipping some water from his water bottle. "Class just ended. C'mon, lets go home. Don't you have to apologise to your mom?"

"Oh shit! I forgot all about it." Jisoo gasped, grabbing his schoolbag, dashing for the door. "Jeonghan, I'll leave early. We'll talk tomorrow 'kkay?"

"Well, see ya?" Jeonghan waved, confused. "Jisoo has gotten really hyper these days."

"Ughh I'm glad she didn't kill me." Jisoo flopped down on his bed, sighing as he took out his phone to text Jeonghan. Usually, Jeonghan would reply instantly but he wasn't replying so he guessed he might be busy.

Jisoo buried his head under the pillow and groaned. Jisoo's question to Jeonghan last night had turned to him.

[Does he dream about sucking dicks?]
Sure he did.

It could've been anyone. But why Yoon Jeonghan of all people?

He rolled around in his bed in frustration.

"What have you done to me Yoon Jeonghan?"


Jisoo didn't see Jeonghan when he got back to class after recess. Jeonghan hadn't been acting like his usual self lately. He looked very paranoid around Jisoo when thus were hanging out the other day. Jeonghan didn't return when he disappeared during recess. It was sketchy since Jeonghan wasn't the kind to skip classes. Jisoo hoped he'd come back. He probably just had a bad stomach. That must be it! Jisoo tried to convince himself.

Jisoo left the classroom in a hurry as soon as school ended. Jeonghan couldn't have gone home since his schoolbag was still in class. Jisoo didn't like it when Jeonghan disappears all of a sudden. Knowing what he's doing, that he's safe and sound, usually relieves him to an extent... to think Jeonghan is right under his nose, not flirting with anyone... just minding his own business, even if he's not with him. He always used to ask when he headed somewhere without Jisoo. He always does that. Why not today?

Jisoo headed for the boys washroom assuming he really just might've had a bad stomach. He checked the washrooms and store rooms of every floor. That was when he started getting really frustrated. It must've been his fault that he just disappeared.

He checked the washroom which had been out of order since last year because it was rumoured to be haunted. He didn't care about that fact, it was just a rumour anyway. At that moment he just wanted to find Jeonghan. He stepped in and heard someone sobbing inside one of the stalls.

Was it a ghost? Jisoo's thoughts went wild. But Jisoo can recognise Jeonghan's voice way to easily. He knew it was him. He switched on the lights which caused the sobbing to stop. Jisoo knocked at the door of the stall. "Jeonghan?"

"J-Jisoo?" The other boy replied. It was indeed Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan. What are you even doing here? Can you please open up?" He heard more sobs coming from the other end. Jisoo felt bad for Jeonghan. "What happened? Is it my fault? Did I do something?"

"N-no. It's not your fault. I- just leave me alone okay? I don't want to see you right now." Jeonghan said from the other end of the door.

"Jeonghan please I'm sorry."

"I'm telling you its not your fault."

"Jeonghan open up!"


"I'll tell everyone you peed your pants until you were 10."


"I'll tell everyone that you cheated on the sports day."



The door creaked open, revealing Jeonghan who was drenched in water. His hair falling on his pretty face. His eyes were red because of crying. It seemed as if someone had poured water over him and also scribbled all over his face with a black marker. The writings read 'FAGGOT'.

"Jeonghan? Who did this to you?" Jisoo was shocked to see Jeonghan in such a mess. Was he getting bullied?

"Jisoo..." Jeonghan called.

"I'm right here Jeonghan you can tell me what's the matter. Who did this to you? I'll make sure to kick their asses." Jisoo felt anger burn inside him. Who had the guts to do this to him?

"Please don't do that." Jeonghan said as more tears started falling from his eyes.

Jisoo grabbed his wrist and asked again. "Jeonghan tell me... who did this to you?"

"Stop it Jisoo. Mind your own business. Leave me alone."

Jisoo was mad. "How is this not my business?" He asked.

Jeonghan was avoiding eye contact.

"Look me in the eye Jeonghan." Jisoo said to which Jeonghan flinched.

Those eyes looked so helpless and pure.

"Now tell me. Who was it?" Jisoo asked again.

"I... don't want you to know..." Jeonghan replied.

Jisoo pulled him closer into an embrace. Jeonghan's clothes were all drenched. It didn't matter to Jisoo. To Jisoo, Jeonghan was someone he wanted to keep close to himself at all times and never let go. They were two halves of a whole. At that moment, Jisoo just wanted Jeonghan to stay like that. Right under his nose, knowing what he's doing, that he's not being a bother to anyone but him, looking at no one but him, just safe...

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