Asano Gakuho x Student!Reader

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(H/L) - Hair Length

(H/C) - Hair Colour

(S/C) - Skin Colour

(E/C) - Eye Colour


You huffed walking through the halls of Kunugigaoka Junior High. You had been up most of the night trying to figure out the Maths homework your homeroom teacher had given you.

You'd be lying if you said it was easy to do. The work was practically in another language to you and you hated that you couldn't do it. You had gotten a couple hours sleep the previous night because of it and now you were exhausted and cranky and you knew you were falling behind.

You entered your class, Class 3-A, and scanned the room for your childhood friend. When your eyes laid upon his orange-tinted hair you walked over to him, practically falling onto his table.

"Good morning to you too, (Y/N)," Asano Gakushu spoke with a humoured tone, you stuck your tongue out at the boy and sat at your desk, beside his and slumped in your seat.

"Gaku!" you groaned as the boy hummed, looking over his Maths homework. It wasn't due for another day, but he was always one to get things done in advance.

"Yes,(Y/N)?" Gakushu questioned as he turned his lilac eyes to you. You stared at him with your (E/C) eyes in a pouting motion. Gakushu chuckled at you and nodded his head. "Alright, meet me after school," the orange haired boy ordered as you fist pumped the air and jumped from your seat.

"Thank you, Gaku!" you grinned, giving him a kiss on his head. The lilac eyed boy chuckled to himself as either of you failed to notice his father walking passed the classroom.

Gakuho looked into the room, his eyes narrowed when he saw you attached to his son, planting multiple kisses on his head and grinning widely.

He had heard the rumours floating around the school. Some students were adamant that the two of you were dating, leading the girls to be jealous of you. In actuality you had never thought of dating the younger Asano, you were friends and that was all.

What neither of the Asanos' knew though, was that you had thought about dating one of them. Though they would never find that out, or at last you hoped they wouldn't.

But Gakushu was extremely smart and he could see the way you smiled at his father when you came around and the way you would try to initiate conversation with him whenever you thought the two of you were alone.

Gakushu didn't mind it. He knew it wasn't exactly ideal for you to be crushing on his father, but he wasn't going to embarrass you by saying it out loud.

Gakuho, on the other hand, had no idea of your feelings for him. He always saw you as a polite young lady that would always come to his house with his son who helped you study.

He was proud his son could help you and was rather fond of having you around. He enjoyed the fact that you would initiate conversation with him and the fact that his son wouldn't interrupt it.

Gakuho didn't know it himself... but he actually found himself enjoying your company and, though he didn't know it was possible, he found himself liking you.

You weren't completely oblivious to the rumours either. You knew what people were saying about you and Gakushu, but you neither denied or confirmed the rumours.

What shocked you though, was a new rumour that had started to circulate around about you and Gakuho. Someone had seen the two of you speaking at one point in the halls and completely blown it out of proportion.

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