Erwin x Reader x Mike

273 9 4

H/L - Hair Length

H/C - Hair Colour

E/C - Eye Colour


Paperwork. Paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork. You slammed your head down on the desk, a loud thud echoed through your office.

"Ow," you groaned as a small pain shot through your head. The sun hadn't even risen and yet, there you were filling in paperwork for the last expedition. Sometimes you wondered if being on the Survey Corps was worth it.

It wasn't like you didn't appreciate what they did. After all, you were always outside the walls, fighting against the giant humanoid creatures that ate humans. But it was more due to the fact that they hadn't really made any progress in your years of being in the Corps.

You lifted your head, tired eyes staring at the papers on your desk. Bags were becoming visible under your eyes and you were doing everything you could to avoid them closing.

You stood to your feet and walked over to a drawer in your office, pulling out a bottle of water you had stolen from the canteen. You opened it and started to drink it without a second thought.

A knock came from your door, startling you as you turned your head to it. Mike walked into the room, his own tired eyes glancing at you as you offered a small smile.

"Morning," you muttered, putting the cap back on the bottle and setting it down on a small table.

Mike stared at you for a minute. He was still in his nightclothes, while you were completely dressed in your uniform already. The blonde haired man gave a small smile and walked over to you.

You turned to the blonde as he gripped your cheek and lifted your head slightly. You closed your eyes as the much taller man placed a gentle kiss on your lips.

You smiled slightly against Mikes' lips, wrapping your arms around his neck as he placed his free arm around your waist, pulling you to him gently as his lips moved and melded with yours.

The blonde pulled away from you after a moment of for air as you breath started to meld together.

"You should be asleep," Mike stated as he pulled you into a hug. You hummed, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest for a moment.

"I have paperwork to finish," you replied as you started to pull away from the man. Mike sighed as he moved his hands down your waist towards your thighs.

You yelped in shock but laughed loudly as the man lifted you from the ground and walked over to the bed with you. The blonde quickly laid you down and crawled in next to you.

"Mike, Erwin will have me if I don't finish this paperwork," you groaned as the man rolled his eyes at the statement. He was tired of you overworking yourself and he was sure Erwin would be as well.

"And I'm sure Erwin will understand if you take a break and sleep. (Y/N), you're exhausted," Mike stated as you huffed and rolled your eyes and the older man before muttering something inaudible under your breath.

"I didn't catch that," Mike spoke as he placed a kiss on your (H/C) hair. You bit the inside of your cheek, debating whether or not you wanted to say it again.

"I said you're lucky you're handsome otherwise I wouldn't listen to you," you said again as Mike smirked slightly at nothing in particular.

"Erwin has you tomorrow doesn't he?" Mike asked with a slightly jealous tone in his voice. You let out a chuckle and wrapped your arms around the blonde haired man.

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