Karma x Kidnapped!Reader Lemon Part 2

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This was requested multiple times by VelenAdrias.

I don't normally post personal things either but the reason this book is taking a while to update now is because I've started university and I'm swamped with assignments among other things but I am getting around to updating most of this month.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour


Karma quietly stepped through the door to his home as quietly as he could. The hallway light was the only light on in the home. He quietly placed his bag down by the door and shrugged his coat off, putting it over the coatrack. He kicked his shoes off, putting them by a pair of black dress shoes and started to walk quietly through the hallway.

Karma pulled his blood-stained shirt over his head as he walked, discarding it into the relevant hamper to be washed. Karma flicked the switch to the hallway off before he started to ascend the stairs.

The redhead rubbed his eyes slightly as he made it to his room. He quietly opened the door, smiling slightly when he heard a light shuffling in his room. He didn't need to look at his bed to know who was already laid in it.

Karma walked to the bathroom. He opened the door, turned the light on and quickly stepped inside. He looked at the mirror, making sure there was no blood on his skin or the rest of him before running the shower.

The man stripped himself of the other clothes he was wearing and inspected them for blood before throwing them in the normal hamper. He knew how his partner was with blood. It was rather humorous, honestly.

Karma stepped into the shower, allowing the hot water to run over his body. He revelled in the feeling for just a moment before quickly washing his body and hair, he didn't want to wake the one sleeping in his room. At least... not yet.

Karma stepped out of the shower, dried himself off with his towel and placed it around his waist before opening the door to the bathroom. The redhead looked through the strands of wet hair that hung in his face with a small smirk.

His bed sheets shifted slightly and a small groan filled the room. Karma smirked, flicked the light to the bathroom off and walked over to his bed.

You stirred gently, eyes opening tiredly when you felt the side of the bed dip slightly beside you. You reached your hands up and wiped your face slightly of the tiredness that was still filling your vision. You didn't get much of a chance to wake up though as a pair of soft, familiar lips fell over yours.

You hummed slightly at the feeling. You could feel a hand press down on the bed by your head while Karma loomed over your body. You reached your hands up to the mans' chest. While he had dried himself off his chest was still slightly damp. Not to mention you recognised his muscles almost instantly. You had explored Karmas' body so many times before.

"Karma," you hummed, pushing the man away from you. Karma hummed gently, moving his lips from your mouth. He kissed down your jaw line to your neck, peppering little butterfly kisses along it. You groaned a little at the movement, still trying to wake up completely.

"I wasn't expecting you home for a couple more days," you spoke tiredly. Karma chuckled against your skin, sending vibrations through it. He pulled away from you for a second to peck your lips.

"Job ended quicker than expected," Karma answered honestly. You hummed slightly, reaching your arms up to kink them behind Karmas' head. You kissed his lips before kissing his nose. Karma laughed a little at your antics.

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