Karasuma x Kuudere!Reader

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H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

S/C - Skin Colour

F/C - Favourite Colour


Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High bustled with life and chatter as each student stood in the room before the day was even due to begin, discussing the previous weeks' events.

"What do you think the Ministry did with him anyway?"

"I don't have a clue, I hope they locked him up."

"I swear that was more trouble than this is actually worth."

"I mean... he was sort of crazy."

"Sort of? He was insane."

"How's your face anyway?"

"Oh, it's fine. My mother and father noticed the mark but I managed to convince them that I had fallen asleep on my hand."

"At least they won't be asking questions."

"We're glad you're okay though."

The door to the room opened suddenly as the students stopped their conversations and turned their attention to their teacher who had entered the room.

The bell was yet to ring, so school was yet to start. Their teacher, a young black haired man walked to the desk with a frown on his face and sighed.

"Mr Karasuma?"

"Everything okay?"

Karasuma sighed. He knew his students weren't going to like the news he was about to give them.

"Can I have everyones' attention?" Karasuma requested as the students respectfully took their seats in the classroom. Karasuma waited until they were all seated before speaking again. "Unfortunately, due to an on-going investigation by the Ministry regarding what happened with Takaoka, I will not be able to resume teaching your gym lessons," the black haired man explained as tension started to rise in the room.

"But... we can't have Korosensei teach us."

"Yeah, his expectations are extremely unrealistic."

"The Game-Show won't be teaching you. We're going to bring in another teacher," Karasuma sighed as the students fell into silence before practically screaming.

"But that didn't work well last time!"

"I don't think I can take another hit!"

"Is this some sort of sick joke?!"

"Come on, Karasuma, can't you just help us instead?!"

"Enough," Karasuma ordered as everyone slowly fell into silence. "A large background check has been run on this person. This time the Ministry is sure we'll have nothing to worry about. They should be here soon."

But the students weren't convinced. For all they knew, this person could be another Takaoka... or maybe worse.

You secured your bike in the parking lot of Kunugigaoka, removing the key from the ignition as you started towards the base of the mountain. Your eyes casted over the large hill for a moment before looking back at you bike.

Sighed, you decided against riding it up. You fixed your (F/C) leather jacket and slowly started your ascent on the hill, hands in your pockets as you did so.

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