Karasuma x Kuudere!Reader Ending 2

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You frowned, looking around the restaurant where Karasuma had told you to meet him. You bit the inside of your cheek in annoyance. You never expected him to be the gentlemanly type and to pick you up from the apartment you were renting, but you never expected him to be late.

You glanced down at your watch. Half an hour late to be exact. You sighed as the waiter passed you, you motioned to your glass as he poured you another drink of wine.

You were starting to get looks of pity from people who were sitting near your table. You smirked, holding your glass up to those that were staring as if toasting to being stood up.

You finished the wine and, as you were about to leave the restaurant, Karasuma rushed over to the table.

"Oh, he finally shows his face after... thirty-five minutes," you spoke in a bored voice as the man sighed and fixed his tie.

"I'm sorry, a meeting at the Ministry overran," Karasuma replied as you nodded your head once.

"Right," you replied with a nod as you noticed others still staring at you, wondering why you were still sitting where you were. "As you were, nosey bastards," you growled as everyone returned to their own meals Karasuma took a seat across from you.

The two of you ordered as you set the menu aside. It wasn't that you wanted to stay it was more to the fact that Karasuma was paying for everything so... free food, really.

"So, why the fancy place?" you asked with a raised eyebrow as Karasuma hummed slightly.

"Well, I've only ever passed by and the food always smelt good but it seemed more fitting to come with a date," the black haired man answered as you smirked slightly.

"Is that what you think this is?" you questioned as Karasuma furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

"I just assumed," the man answered as you chuckled slightly.

"A date doesn't leave the lady waiting for thirty-five minutes. Right now I'm just here for the free food," you explained as Karasuma sighed, trying to give you a smile, but it came out more like a grimace.

"Well... I'm sorry you had to wait," the black haired man replied as he shrugged his jacket off, placing it on the back of his chair as you nodded once.

You wouldn't deny to yourself that Karasuma was extremely attractive. His hair always looked so silky and neat, and underneath his shirt, you could just make out the outline of his muscles. It made you wonder how often he worked out in order to keep so fit.

Unlike Karasuma, the government had sent you through the full file on both him and Irina, you knew practically everything they did while you preferred to stay a little more mysterious.

Karasuma studied you as you took a sip of the wine you had. It was no surprise to him that you had drunk a couple of glasses before he arrived, but it hadn't seemed to even affect your demeanour.

You were still calm, you weren't slurring your words and you weren't acting even the slightest bit tipsy. You could handle your alcohol, after all, you had to.

"Why didn't my bosses send the full file?" Karasuma questioned. He wasn't concerned very much about the people around hearing what the two of you were going to speak about. To anyone, it would sound like normal office talk.

"Because I asked them not to," you answered with an honest voice as your food arrived. You took the utensils set beside your dinner and began to dig into (F/D).

Karasuma copied your actions as he stared at you for a moment or so. You ate your food with a small smile before stopping slightly.

"I was born and raised in (H/C)," you started to explain, you appetite slowly leaving you as Karasuma furrowed his eyebrows. "My parents were lovely but died when I turned sixteen. Luckily enough, I was able to support myself, but instead, I joined the military. I had Takaoka as a trainer," you explained, shrugging your leather jacket off and motioning to the scar on your arm. It was the first time Karasuma had noticed just how underdressed you were for the restaurant you were dining in... not that he minded.

"I quit the military not long after and took up a different job before I was recruited into the Ministry as a personal trainer for the newcomers," you finished, you didn't want to dive too far into your past or give away anything that told the story of the real you.

"I see. The students seemed to enjoy your company, each of them thought you were pretty 'cool'," Karasuma stated, using air quotation marks around the word 'cool'. You smirked, chuckling slightly to yourself as the black-haired man took a sip of his water. "They're quite reluctant to me taking over the gym lessons again," he added as you let out a laugh.

"They won't miss me. No one ever does," you whispered, more to yourself than to Karasuma. Before he could ask what you meant, you spoke again. "I learned to become a laid back person after I got the scar. You can't tell now but at the time it was so deep I thought I was going to die... I almost did," you stated, not making eye contact with Karasuma and placing your plate to the side a little.

Karasuma watched you, listening in silence as you spoke. He hung on every word you said as a million questions ran through his mind about you.

"I know what the end holds and the end is nothing," you sighed, closing your eyes. "So... whether or not we live to see March, I'm not exactly worried. As for you... you need to be a little more open with your students every now and then as well as Irina," you added as Karasuma furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" the black haired man questioned as you smirked slightly.

"I see the way she looks at you. But then I've also seen the way you've been looking at me, yet you hardly know me," you answered as Karasuma felt a small pink tinge coming to his cheeks. "You're one of those men who doesn't know what they want and you'll take a little more time to figure it out than most. So, when you do... perhaps call me then, though I can't guarantee I'll pick up," you finished, standing to your feet and walking around to Karasuma, you placed a gentle kiss on the side of his cheek and pulled away, smirking.

"Wait... you haven't answered anything!" Karasuma called as you stood straight and looked down at the man.

"It doesn't matter... it'll be a while before we meet again so, until then, goodnight, Karasuma Tadaomi," you spoke, leaving the black-haired man in the restaurant, grabbing your jacket and heading out into the cool air.

Karasuma placed his hand on his cheek and quickly got the bill from the waiter and rushed out of the restaurant. He looked around frantically for you but frowned when he couldn't find you.

He could only hope that he would definitely meet you again.

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