Asano Gakuho x Reader Lemon

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Requested by Angelhigh4236. If you're under the age of 16 please don't read!

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

S/C - Skin Colour

F/C - Favourite Colour


You had gone out with some old college friends that evening when you met him. It had been a while and you wanted to catch up with everyone to see what they were all doing. So, your sole focus was on the group of friends in front of you. You were completely oblivious to who was in the small bar. So, it wasn't you who noticed him staring from across the bar. In fact, it was your friend. She noticed him staring rather early in the evening, but said nothing until you were a few drinks into your catch up.

When she did say something you didn't turn around to look at the man she was pointing out because you weren't out to see if you could pick up some random guy in a bar. You normally came alone for that kind of thing.

You did, however, turn your head when your male friend recognised the man. The words that left his mouth intrigued you.

"It's the dude who let that government experiment into his school to teach those kids," you turned your head ever so slightly at his words, hoping to catch a small glimpse at the man.

He wasn't looking at you when you looked, so you let yourself stare for a minute or two. Orange hair and, from what you could see in the dark, fantastically bright purple coloured. You felt your breath hitch slightly. He was damn handsome, that you couldn't deny.

"Isn't the press still trying to grill him because of what happened?" one of your friends questioned.

"Yeah, but what they aren't reporting on is the fact the thing he let teach was created by the government," another of your friends stated with an eye roll and a scoff. She was learning to be a politician so she had large views on what the government did.

"Seems ridiculous. Anyway, he's been staring at you half the night. You should go say hello," the friend who had pointed the man out nudged you slightly in the arm and winked, giving you a suggestive look.

"He's handsome, but I'm all right," you answered your friend with a small shake of your head. One of your male friends sighed and held his phone up.

"I will pretend to take a phone call and make a ridiculous excuse that all five of us have to leave so you'll have no choice," he threatened. You narrowed your eyes, folded your arms over your chest and huffed slightly.

"I could just leave after you guys, you know?"

"I will make Saku go down there and drag him up so you can't," your friend countered, slinging an arm around his girlfriends' waist. You glared at the man.

"Come on, (Y/N)! It's been forever since you've dated someone! A one night stand might turn into something more," Saku winked, pushing your shoulder slightly with a giggle.

"I wonder how long it'll take for the police to find your bodies if I kill you all," you threatened through clenched teeth.

"Grammy? Oh no, you got stood on by a giant robot? Of course, we'll come to the emergency room right away!" your male friend suddenly started gasping and making up an elaborate, unbelievable story that you could hear.

"Koda, I swear to all that is unworldly-,"

"Yaka, (Y/N) will buy the gentleman down there whatever he's drinking!" Saku grinned, calling to the bartender, who nodded his head and started to fix the mysterious man his drink.

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