Korosensei x Reader

660 10 148

Requested by minsugabulletproof.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

S/C - Skin Colour


You stared down the scope of your gun, eyes fixated on the target that was walking around a large crowded hall of multiple other people. You had a clear shot of the target, but you had to wait. For some reason, your client wanted the man dead at a certain time. You didn't care why as long as you got paid when the job was done.

Your phone rang quietly, a small tune barely audible filled the air around you. You quickly pulled the trigger on your gun. The bullet hit its mark and the man fell to the floor dead. You packed your things away, not sticking around to see the aftermath of your work.

The bullet had penetrated the mans' brain, that much you were aware of, so you were certain he was dead.

You picked up the case where you kept your gun and pulled your phone from your pocket. You deactivated the alarm and dialled in the number of your client. The phone rang a couple of times before she picked up.

"It's done," you spoke without giving away any emotion.

"I'll send it over then," the woman spoke before hanging the phone up. You weren't expecting a 'thank you'. It wasn't something you got in the line of work you did. You looked at your phone and loaded up your bank details. Surely enough the money was in your bank.

You nodded and deleted all information of the client and the man you had killed from your files while making your way to your car.

When you slipped into your car a loud beeping noise started to fill the air. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked over to the passenger seat in your car. You reached under it and pulled out the laptop that you always kept there and booted up your email.

Your furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at the new email that came up in your emails. It was listed as urgent and inside email was a file. When you clicked on it you almost burst into laughter. The file consisted of information on a large yellow octopus-like creature that resided in Kunigigaoka Junior High and was in need of immediate elimination.

There was a number at the bottom of the file that you assumed you were supposed to call, but before you could dial anything into your phone there was a knock on your passenger window.

You instantly closed your laptop and looked to your window. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the man dressed in an all black suit. He had black hair and dark coloured eyes and you knew who he was.

You almost groaned in annoyance when he opened the passenger door and sat in the passenger seat beside you. You moved your laptop from your lap to the backseat of your car and started the engine.

"How'd you find me?" you demanded, pulling out of the carpark where you had originally parked your car.

"With a lot of effort. You're not an easy person to track down," the black haired man answered, pulling his seatbelt on as you drove.

"Coffee?" you questioned the man. He looked at you with his dark coloured eyes, giving a slightly confused look.

"It's a little late," he stated, checking the time on his watch. It was almost midnight.

"I have another job in an hour," you replied to the man, driving toward a nearby fast food restaurant. "You're gonna have to make your business quick, Karasuma," you stated, pulling into the drive-through of the restaurant.

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