Ryuji Suguro (Bon) x Reader

434 6 72

Requested by minsugabulletproof.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour


You sat in your dimly lit room, the lamp of your desk illuminating the papers that were under your hands. Your pen tapped gently against the paper, but no words were written, no questions were answered. You were stumped, unsure of what to write or how to answer the questions you were given.

Your Exorcist Teacher, Okumura Yukio, had gradually been giving out harder and harder work. The work that he had given you this time though wasn't exactly hard, but it wasn't your area of expertise.

You were a knight, one of the only Knights in your class beside Rin. The homework he had given you was in regards to the doctoring side of Exorcisms. In other words, Shiemis' expertise. You would have asked the blonde for help, but she was busy tutoring Rin and, while you found the boy funny, you really didn't want to be around the loud nature that he had.

Your phone buzzed on the desk beside your paper. You released a tired sighed and put the pen you were holding down, picked your phone up and checked the messages. Suguro, or Bon as everyone referred to him as, had sent you a message regarding the homework.

The brunette and blonde haired boy knew you struggled and, unlike he was with Rin, he was rather happy to help you should you need it. You didn't want to reply to the text, you had already asked him for help with the previous homework assignments and he even started to tutor you after them so you could catch up with some work that you fell behind on. You were starting to feel like a burden to the boy.

You replied to the text, stating that you were doing absolutely fine with the homework, but you knew you were lying through your teeth, would Bon know as well?

You didn't receive a reply from the brunette but you honestly didn't expect one. You set your phone down and went back to staring at the paper below you. You hoped that somehow it would just write itself and some magical being or fairy would just answer the questions.

You face planted the desk a moment later and groaned. You were hopeless!

Bon looked at his phone once you had answered his text. It had taken you a couple minutes and he wasn't exactly stupid. He knew you were struggling but you were still working at the paper because you had taken a few minutes to answer him.

"(L/N) still struggling?" Konekomaru questioned, looking up from his desk as he finished his homework and went to pick up a book that he was reading. Bon simply hummed in response.

"Why do you still call her (L/N)? She keeps telling you to call her (Y/N)," Shima piped up from his bed. He held a rather... exotic magazine in front of his face and flipped through the pages with a bored expression.

"Do you really have to read stuff like that while we're here?" Bon demanded, a tick mark appearing on his forehead. Shima just shrugged his shoulders and rolled over onto his stomach.

The brunette and blonde haired boy sighed in annoyance at his friend. He slung his legs over his bed and slipped his shoes on without another word. Konekomaru looked over his book to his friend and couldn't help but smile.

"You're going to see (L/N)?" Konekomaru asked with a quiet voice. Bon nodded his head and stood to his feet before walking over to get his jacket.

"I'll be back later," Bon replied and walked out of the door and toward your dorm room.

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