Blue Exorcist Rin x Tom Boy!Reader

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Requested by Minsugabulletproof. 

Note: Italics are flashback. The small break also indicates the flashback. 

H/L - Hair Length

H/C - Hair Colour

E/C - Eye Colour


You brushed off your track suit bottoms, looking at your opponent in front of you. Rin stood with a determined expression on his face. He gritted his teeth tightly, fang showing slightly. You smirked, holding your hands up in a somewhat defensive position.

You had never taken martial arts before but you knew how to defend yourself, sword or no sword. Rin looked you up and down before pulling his own hands up. Much to his dismay, he couldn't use his sword and he was unsure how he would hold up against you.

You raised an eyebrow at the blue haired boy. He looked somewhat nervous. Yukio, who was stood to the side with the others, took a step forward and looked between the two of you.

"Are you sure about this?" Yukio sighed. He was directing his question more to Rin than he was to you.

"Yeah, you don't have to agree to anything, (Y/N)!" Bon yelled, cupping his mouth with one of his hands, while holding Rins' sword in his other hand. Shima sat beside the brunette, crossed legged, rocking back and forth slightly.

"Shush, Bon! Let the Angel fight against the Demon!" the pink haired boy practically yelled, wanting to see the two spar.

"W-well, (L/N) did say that Rin couldn't use his powers," Konekomaru stuttered with a somewhat worried expression, but he was unsure who he was worried for.

"This is going to be so boring! Can we get on with it?!" Izumo yelled, glaring at the two. She folded her arms and huffed something about how it wasn't fair she had to stay and watch the two spar.

"You can do it, Rin! And you as well, (Y/N)!" Shiemi yelled, not wanting to be biased to the two.

"Our deal still stands, right?" Rin questioned with a doubtful tone to his voice. He knew you rather well and he knew that you sometimes went back on your word. You raised an eye at the blue haired boy and winked.

"It stands," you answered with a small nod of your head. Rin grinned widely.

"Then, yeah. It's fine, Yukio," the blue haired boy directed his words to his brother. Yukio sighed, but nodded his head.

"Then the rules are simple. No weapons, no demon magic, no other forms of exorcism combat. Just a simple one on one, hand to hand combat. Understood?" Yukio questioned, stating the few rules that the two had to follow.

"Yes!" both you and Rin yelled back in reply.

"Then begin!" Yukio walked away from the two, taking a seat beside Bon, who was sitting in front of the fountain. The group had decided that it was best for the two to spar in the court yard, where there were less students.

"You're going down, (Y/N)!" Rin yelled, running toward you. You raised an eyebrow at the blue haired boy and quickly moved to the side before elbowing the blue haired boy in the back. Rin grunted, but didn't have time to recover as you kicked him in the back of his leg, causing him to kneel on the floor.

You had no intention of trying to actually harm the blue haired boy, unless he took it a little too far. Rin looked over his shoulder to where you were and quickly spun back around, launching a punch toward you.

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