Asano Gakushu x Karmas' Sibling!Reader Part 2

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Not request, just wrote this straight after the first part.

Gakushu may be a little out of character in this.


A couple of months passed by. Your relationship with Gakushu continued to grow and change to the point where you had developed a small crush on the boy. Gakushu would walk with you between lessons, as would the rest of his friends.

The Big Five became the unofficial Big Six, they included you in so much. It was rare now for you to be seen in school without Gakushu or a member of the Big Five by your side. At first people would stop and stare. Rumours and whispers started quickly but Gakushu and his friends easily shut them down.

Whenever Gakushu walked with you and he heard someone talk bad about E-Class, instead of you opening your mouth to argue, he would shoot them a glare and they would instantly shut up. You were rather appreciative of Gakushu for standing up for your friends in E-Class even if he did still tease them and you at times.

Word of your friendship with Gakushu quickly spread around the school and, as much as you tried to keep it from Karma because you knew the redhead didn't like the younger Asano, it eventually reached your brother.

But it surprised you when Karma said he knew of your friendship with him. Karma thought that was all it was. He couldn't read you well enough to understand you had a crush on the orange haired boy so he never said a word about Gakushu.

He 'allowed' your friendship with the boy because he didn't want you to go through school being shunned for being friends with the girls in E-Class. Though the redhead was confused how you managed to become friends with the ever so stuck up Asano Gakushu, he didn't ask.

It wasn't until one night when Karma had texted you that he would be home late and had happened to pass by the café at the time you and Gakushu were in it that he started to questioned your friendship with the orange haired boy. Was it a friendship or was it more? Karma wouldn't allow it to be more.

You sat in the living room of your home with a confused expression on your face. You moved your red hair behind your ears and stared at your brother, who was pacing in the living room. You couldn't help but wonder why he had practically demanded you sit in the living room immediately.

"Karma?" you questioned, golden eyes watching the boy walk with a slightly cautious expression. Karma was beginning to emit his usual sadistic aura. But it disappeared quickly.

"You were late again," Karma stated, folding his arms over his chest. You gave a small sigh. That's what this was? The protective big brother act, really?

"Yeah, I had some stuff to do in the library," you replied with a small shrug, leaning back on the sofa. Karma nodded his head once before frowning deeply.

"Stop lying to me," he demanded, a small glare falling onto his face. You raised an eyebrow at the boy. Your brother would never attack you but his anger was something you didn't like and you hated it when he directed it at him.


"What's going on with you and Asano?" the redhead enquired, he sat on the coffee table in the living room, across from you. You sat up, leaning on your knees.

"Nothing," you answered with a serious expression on your face. Karma always had hated it when people didn't look at him when they were telling the truth, so you looked him in the eye every second.

"Then why were you all happy buddy-buddy over a coffee?" Karma started to raise his voice. He didn't mean to but he just couldn't understand it. Why?! Of all people – why Asano?!

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