Jak X! Cutter x Reader Part 3

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H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour


You had been seeing Cutter for a few months now. The two of you went on dates at least three times a week. Most of the time your dates were spent driving around the city when Cutter had finished patrolling or going to the spot he took you before. It wasn't fancy dinners or movies but you honestly didn't mind, it was much more fun in your opinion to spend the evening in the car with Cutter than at any fancy restaurant.

Your father had found out about your dates after a few weeks and, while he was extremely angry at the face you were dating someone from a mafia, gradually came to accept the fact you were dating, especially after seeing how Cutter treated you.

He was a complete gentleman. Though, you couldn't help but think it also had something to do with the fact that Cutter was at the company more and more every evening and he was making an effort to get to know your father, which you knew he appreciated.

You sat in your office, looking over multiple files that clients had sent in for your company to pick up on. Your father had recently decided that before something was approved the designs would come through you and it was honestly a tiring job. You had been working late almost every evening because of it.

A knock from your door startled you slightly. Your shoulders tensed a little at the sound before you relaxed. You placed the file you were looking at down along with the pen in your hand before sighing and leaning backwards.

"Come in," your voice came out a little more exhaustedly than you expected it too. It also sounded a little hoarse, so you picked your water up and sipped it slowly. The door opened and your father stepped inside.

You studied him for a small moment. His eyes were sunken and dark, it was obvious he was tired. His expression was one of tiredness, yet seriousness and... you could have sworn there was a small hint of sorrow mixed in his expression.

"Father," your voice came out gently as you spoke to the man, who closed the door and walked over to your desk. He didn't say a word to you as he walked. You watched him closely, instantly knowing that something was indeed wrong.

Your father sat on the chair opposite your desk and placed his elbows on the desk. His head fell into his hands and he heaved a huge sigh, shaking his head in the process. You poured another glass of water and pushed it toward the man.

"What's happened?" you enquired, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. You father hummed a little and took the water, drinking a small amount of it. You waited patiently for the reply.

"It's Mizo," you cocked your head to the side at the mention of the Crime Lord. "He's dead," your eyes widened slightly at the revelation. You leaned back, blinking a couple of times as silence fell between you and your father.

"I... When?" you asked, eyebrows furrowing together once more. Mizo, while he was a Crime Lord, was probably one of the more... pleasant Crime Lords, in a way. Your father sighed.

"Yesterday. I got the call from Carter, his most trusted. All he said was he had died, wouldn't tell me how," your father shrugged, placing the glass back onto the desk.

"Is someone going to take over from him?" you questioned, slightly hopeful that maybe it would be the end of Mizos' Mafia.

"I think Carter wants to take it over. He's asked for a meeting with me in the upcoming days," your father explained with a small frown on his face. Aside from Cutter, he had barely met any of Mizos' Mafia. "Have you heard from Cutter?" your father enquired, leaning onto the table. You shook your head.

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