Kagami and Kuroko x Sister Like!Reader Part 2

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Part 2 requested by iamKhrfan123. 

Edited by @Alpha_Pineapple - Go check her out!

Y/N - Your Name

N/N - Nick Name


"(N/N)-chan!" you turned at the sound of your name being called. Your eyes widening at the sight of Kagami rushing straight to you. With a worried expression, you glanced down to your arms that were currently struggling to maintain the five basketballs you had accumulated throughout the practice.

With a sudden tug you were pulled to the side, the basketballs surprisingly staying in place. Kagami ran straight passed you and skidded to a halt before falling face first into the basketball basket. You glanced to the side of you, Kuroko stood with a deadpan expression on his face.

You stared at the blue haired boy for a moment. You had been working with the basketball club for about a couple of months now and in that time you had come to realise that Kuroko could always pop up anywhere and everywhere without someone noticing. He had, what Aida referred to as, 'low presence'.

"Thanks," you had stopped getting shocked whenever you saw the blue haired boy suddenly next to you. Kagami sharply turned around to face the blue haired boy, his eyebrows drawn in slight annoyance.

"Kuroko! Why'd you pull (N/N)-Chan away from me! I was gonna give her a hand," the red haired boy practically yelled. Other members of the basketball club that were still in the gym were shaking their heads at the three of you, but Aida was grinning widely.

You had become much more confident after being in the club. You could speak to everyone in the club without so much as a stutter. You still got nervous and flustered whenever Kagami or someone said something embarrassing and Kuroko would always tell them to think before they speak whenever he saw your face completely red. Honestly, the blue haired boy was like the protective brother while Kagami was like an oblivious energetic brother.

"You were running at her too fast to stop and you would've knocked her over. Please consider how that could hurt her," Kuroko said politely as he glanced towards you.

"It's okay Kuro-kun, really I'm used to it at this point," you had taken to calling the two by nicknames, just like they did with you. It was understandable. You walked home the same way and, because of that, you walked to school as well. Sometimes after school Kagami and Kuroko would play a game of basketball on one of the public courts and you would remain watching them, mainly because they bought you food after.

"Yeah, Kuro-kun!" Kagami agreed with you, making the blue haired boy glare.

"Please don't call me that...You remind me of Kise," Kuroko stated, making you giggled gently. This wasn't unusual. Since you started to call him 'Kuro-kun' Kagami had started it as well, but he used it in a more mocking way. You had yet to meet this Kise though, whoever he was, he must have a nickname for Kuroko that can also be used mockingly.

"Kaga-kun, you know Kuro-kun finds it weird when you do that," you stated with a sigh and turned away to put the basketballs in the basket. Kuroko nodded his head once, his eyes returning to their usual empty stare after a moment or so.

"Yo, (N/N)-chan. Kuroko and I are going to the barbeque place after school. You know that place that lets you cook your own food at the table? Do you want to come?" Kagami offered as he walked over to kuroko, his arm leaning slightly on Kuroko's small frame.

"Sure. I could go for some good food right about now," you nodded, giving a gentle smile to the taller boy, who felt his heart go constrict slightly in his chest before smiling brightly at you.

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