Erwin x Reader

352 14 5

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

E/N - Employees' Name


You hummed, wandering around your place of work with a smile on your face. What wasn't to like about the day? The sun was out, the birds were singing, the King was requesting pastries, there was a Titan fighting on Humanities side and –



Your eyes quickly glanced back to the paper that laid beside you. You furrowed your eyebrows, quickly reading over it. You lost count how many times your eyes scanned over it, but it made your head spin.

The Survey Corps had managed to get a Titan to fight on their side against the Titans? Wasn't that... next to impossible? You looked below the headline and quickly read into the information more. The Titan they had fighting on their side had also plugged the recent breach in Trost but had also attacked one of the Trainee Cadets.

You sighed, unsure of what to think as you scrunched up the paper in your flour-covered hand and threw it in the nearby trash. Screw it, you honestly didn't really care. All you cared about was filling the orders that had been given to you.

"Morning, (Y/N)!" one of your employees called as they entered your bakery. You grinned, flicking some flour at your employee for arriving later than they should have.

"Morning, (E/N). Please, try to be on time in future. We have a tall order to fill today," you sighed, placing your hands on your hips, not caring about the flour. It wasn't a clean job, being a baker and all.

"Not a problem! I'll start getting the ingredients for the bread ready. The King wants pastries, doesn't he? Will you be making them, or will you need my help?" (E/N) quizzed as you smiled at their enthusiasm.

"I'll teach you how to make his favourites and then you can make them. There's plenty to prepare so ready yourself for a busy day!" you ordered with a wink as your employee grinned and nodded their head in response.


Though they came in a few minutes late quite a lot of the time, you couldn't fault them in any other way than that. They cleaned, served and, all in all, they were great at their job, so you could let it slide.

Your eyes slid to the clock on the wall. Six in the morning. You couldn't help but wonder if he would come by and see you again. After all, it had been a while.

"Erwin! Let's go, we have to transport Titan Brains back to headquarters!" Levi practically demanded as Erwin was readying his horse. The blonde was deep in thought about something or other as the small man spoke.

"Levi, forget it, he's not coming back with us," Hanji chuckled as she walked over to the shorter man. Levi raised an eyebrow at her as the brunette grinned slightly.

"What do you mean?" Levi questioned as Hanji continued to grin.

"We're in Sina, there's someplace he needs to visit first," Hanji answered with a small shrug and motioned for Levi to follow her to the cart that would take them back to headquarters, Eren was already sitting inside, waiting patiently.

"You mean that bakery," Levi guessed as Hanji nodded her head.

"Yup. He always goes there whenever he gets the chance," the brunette scientist explained as Levi furrowed his eyebrows.

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