Street Fighter Remy x Reader

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Requested by GarudaLover. Again I haven't seen Street Fighter before or played it so Remy could be OOC. Apologies if he is but do enjoy!

E/C - Eye Colour

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length


You stared out of the window at the pouring rain. Your hands grasped against the pots that you had been washing as thunder clapped in the sky and lightning struck the ground. It had been raining a lot lately and you weren't really one for thunder or lightning, but you supposed you had no choice.

A sigh escaped your lips and you look down to the bubbles in the sink. You wondered what he was doing round about now. You hoped he was all right. It had been a while since he visited after all. But you knew that if he did he would just question why you were still there. Nevertheless, the door was always open but him and he knew that.

You set the final plate you were washing down on the drying rack and turned around to make yourself a warm cup of tea. You alone once more in the night, in the weather you so much hated, but nothing could be done about that.

You grabbed the kettle and set it under the tap, filling it with water before putting it on the stove. All you had to do was wait. At least the kettle would be ready soon. You jumped slightly at the sound of the thunder in the sky before sighing.

It was just loud noises. That's all it was! And what were the chances of being hit by lightning anyway? You walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a cup and some tea bags.

As you were setting them down, the door to your home was suddenly flung open with such a force that you thought it was going to fly off its hinges. You jumped at the sound and turned to where the door had opened, blinking in complete shock, had the wind just forced it open?

Lightning struck once more and you made out the familiar figure of a man taller than you. His striking turquoise hair was probably the very first thing you had noticed though and you felt yourself calm down considerably.

"Welcome home, Remy," you gave the same greeting you always did and expected nothing back in reply. He would normally ignore you and act as if you didn't exist. This time though, it was a little different. You heard the door click shut behind the man and the sound of him locking it followed soon after, which you found odd, normally he wouldn't do that.

"You're still here," he spoke and walked toward the kitchen, where it was probably the lightest. Though some of the bulbs in the house had blown a few days ago and the storms had prevented you from going to get new ones, the kitchen bulbs were the ones that seemed to work best.

You noticed that Remys' words weren't a question, they were a statement. He had gotten used to coming home after being away for weeks, sometimes months, at a time and you still being there. Honestly, it surprised him to no end.

"Of course," you watched the turquoise-haired man enter the light and clicked your tongue at the sight of him. His face was bloody, as was his chest, he had been fighting again. But speaking to Remy regarding a subject like that... it was like walking on eggshells, you didn't know where to start and when you did the slightest comment could make him angry.

"Why don't you just leave?" his question shocked you. You weren't expecting him to say anything else to you. You were expecting him to come in, wash his jacket and then leave again the next morning after you cooked breakfast, but... something was different this time.

"Because you wouldn't have anyone if I left," you answered the man and walked over to the sink, kneeling down in front of it and pulling out a first aid kit.

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