Karma x Shy!Reader

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You smiled gently, sitting at your desk and reading one of your favourite books. It was rare you ever came to class early enough to actually sit and read. You weren't exactly the most open person in the world. In fact, you were rather shy and reserved and preferred not to speak to most people, so you showed up a minute or two before the bell would ring to avoid speaking to anyone.

Today though was different. You had been woken up early after your father had made such a racket getting ready for work. Since then you had been awake. You had showered, sorted your things for school, eaten breakfast and still had time left over.

So, you headed to school early, bringing your favourite book with you. You sat patiently at your desk towards the back of the room and read it quietly. But that wouldn't last, soon your classmates would start piling into the room.

"I think we should go to the café after school!" Kayano spoke with a happy voice as she, Nagisa and Karma entered the room, following behind them were a few other of your classmates.

"Oh, that'll be fun," Nagisa agreed as Karma hummed, nodding his head. He looked around the classroom, eyes brightening slightly when he saw you sat down at your desk.

"(Y/N)-chan!" Karma called suddenly. You jumped, looking up from your book, face turning slightly red as Karma walked over. Your classmates gave you gentle smiles as you buried your face into the book, trying to hide from Karma.

"Eh? Why are you hiding?" Karma questioned as he pushed the book down from your face. You looked away from the redhead, face flaring slightly as Karma chuckled. "Are you coming with us to the café?" Karma asked as you shook your head slightly. "Huh? Why not?"

"Karma, you're making her uncomfortable," Isogai sighed as he walked into the room. Nagisa walked over, placing a hand on Karmas' shoulder and pulling him away slightly.

"But, I was just trying to be friendly!" Karma practically yelled as Kayano giggled and walked over to you.

"Again, we're sorry for Karma. This seems to be a reoccurring thing," the greenette sighed as you gave a nervous smile.

"It's alright," you muttered so lowly that Kayano almost didn't catch it. She gave a small nod of her head as you returned to your book. You looked up every now and then and saw Karma staring at you as you hid behind your book.

It would be a reoccurring thing of Karma to ask you to attend something with the class after school was over, but every time you would refuse and it was getting tiresome.

Karma had taken a liking to you for some reason or another, one he couldn't figure out. You were so quiet and reserved it was captivating. He wanted to know what secrets you hid in that little mind of yours. He wanted to know how you thought.

But since you were always so reserved and kept to yourself you would decline any invitation he offered you. Every conversation he started with you was also shot down when you refused to answer, busying yourself with something or another.

The bell rang suddenly as you placed the book you were reading down. Karma made a mental note of it (B/N). He had read it long ago and was rather fond of the plot.

Karma smirked to himself as he walked over to his desk. You saw the smirk out of the corner of your eye and suddenly felt yourself grow a little nervous.

Korosensei entered the room not a moment later as he started your (F/S). You listened intently, making notes as you went along. This was one subject you were good at and you knew it.

Karma studied you throughout the day. He noted at times how you smiled when Korosensei made a joke and how your eyes lightened up at a certain subject. He studied how you were in gym and was just plain watching you the entire day.

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