Freed x Reader

669 7 43

Requested by minsugabulletproof.

H/L - Hair Length

H/C - Hair Colour

S/C - Skin Colour

E/C - Eye Colour

Side note - I am not a chef, nor a cook, everything that I have written about the boar meat and how to cook it is made up! 


You wandered through the small town of Magnolia with a cheerful smile on your face, despite the weather. It was blustery and cold and even looked like it was going to rain, but you continued to smile regardless. One might have even said there was a spring in your step as you walked, but you just considered yourself a cheerful person nonetheless.

You were heading to the Guild Hall of Fairy Tail, your home. You had just completed a mission and you couldn't wait to see everyone again... even if someone was going to be throwing things around, which was a definite.

You stopped suddenly when a raindrop fell onto your cheek. Looking up, you saw the dark grey clouds over head suddenly burst open with rain. You groaned in annoyance, there hadn't been any forecast of rain, had there? You were sure when you left Crocus everything was fine!

You quickly placed your hands above your head, trying to shield yourself from the rain as you ran through the streets. You stopped suddenly, trying to figure out which was closer. Your apartment or the Guild Hall. Both were roughly the same distance apart, but you needed to choose one to go to.

With a sigh, you quickly took refuge under a small porch and looked around with a small sigh. Decided that you would head to the Guild Hall, you quickly made a break into the pouring rain, even if it meant you would end up soaked.

Freed hummed rather happily walking through the streets of Magnolia towards his home. He had been to the Guild Hall already and had decided to head home as the rain started to pour. Luckily for him, he had remembered an umbrella.

Freed thought back to conversations that were flowing through the hall. The main one that stuck with him was what Mira had said. You were supposed to be coming home today, which meant that there was a good chance you were unaware of the storm that Magnolia was going to get. That also meant that you could be out in the cold without an umbrella, which worried him.

The green haired man looked down at the bag in his hand. He and the Raijinshuu had returned from a mission that morning and, before they all returned home, they had done some shopping. Bickslow had bought himself some new visors, Evergreen had bought some new clothes and Freed had bought some meat that he hadn't tried before. He was excited to eat it really.

The sound of rushing footsteps suddenly caught Freeds' attention. The green haired man looked up to the sight of a dark silhouette rushing towards him.

"Hey, wai-," Freed didn't getting to finish his sentence as the figure rushed straight into him. The umbrella in Freeds' hand flew to the ground in order for the man to steady his and the silhouettes' fall.

You groaned in pain at the feeling of your arms scraping along the damn floor below you. Lifting your head, you looked at the person you had fallen into, only to be met with familiar green hair.

"Freed!" you yelped in surprise and quickly stood up. The man snapped his blue eyes open and looked at you in complete shock. You were the last person he expected to run into... literally.

"(Y/N)!" he placed his hands on your arms, pushing you away slightly. His slightly warm hands easily felt how cold you were.

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" you called over the falling rain and stood to your feet quickly, offering Freed a hand. The man took it, quickly sing you to hoist himself to his feet. You gathered the umbrella that had fallen to the ground and held it up again.

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