Zeref x Reader

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Requested by Minsugabulletproof.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

S/C - Skin Colour


You bit your lip, listening to the theory that Zeref had just presented to the Academy you both attended. It was, in your own opinion, an unrealistic idea. But the others who had listened to his presentation were praising him highly. There was no doubt that Zeref was indeed an intelligent person and there was no doubt in your mind that his idea could become a reality.

Zerefs' eyes scanned the room, a smile gracing his face at the words of approval that came from everyone. When his eyes landed in you, his smile dropped. You weren't smiling. You weren't praising him. Your face was stoic and you shook your head and sighed. You didn't know where he had gotten the fascination for bringing the dead back to life.

You pushed yourself off the pillar you were leaned on and made your way out of the room. You passed one of the elders as you walked and, sparing a glance at him, you saw his disapproval and the anger in his eyes. You sighed, Zeref would surely be scolded for his idea.

The evening fell upon the land quickly. You wandered through the woods, wanting to find Zeref. You wanted to make sure he was all right. Like you had suspected, he was scolded by the elders, who were angered at him for trying to play god.

Zeref wasn't a hard boy to find, you knew where he would be. You wandered through the woods until you reached the edge. At the edge of the woods was a cemetery and by that cemetery was Zeref.

You walked over, standing beside the boy. You weren't a fan of the cemetery and tried to avoid it at all costs. It gave you an uneasy feeling, which was much worse at night. The looked to the graves, the moon illuminated the paleness of the headstones, making them appear as if they were glowing. You gulped slightly, moving your (H/C) hair behind your ear.

"Are you okay, Zeref?" you enquired, looking away from the cemetery to the black haired boy. Zeref said nothing, instead, he stared at the cemetery with a concentrated expression on his face. You almost sighed at the boy. "Zeref-,"

"They told me to stop with my projects. They said that people can't be brought back from the dead and that it's a taboo," the black haired boy interrupted. You frowned and placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

Since Zeref had come to the Academy he had made little friends. Most people were intimidated by his intelligence and wanted to stay away from him. Zeref could easily make someone feel extremely dumb without meaning to.

But, you took a chance and you befriended him and, honestly, you wouldn't have traded him for the world. Time with Zeref was a comforting thing. A lot of the time it was spent in silence, just enjoying the others' company. Sometimes you were both discussing the word the Academy had given you and, if that was the case, you did sometimes feel dumb compared to Zeref, but he never boasted about his intelligence and he was very modest.

"Bringing people back from the dead," you hummed, repeating what Zeref had said and sighed. You squeezed his shoulder slightly. "It's a huge taboo, Zeref. You're trying to play God," you explained with a small frown on your face.


"Zeref, no," you interrupted the black haired boy, making him snap his head toward you. "I understand you lost your parents, your brother. I've lost people too. But because they aren't here within physically, doesn't mean they're not here emotionally. Your parents and brother are always in your heart, doesn't that count for something?" your words were desperate and Zeref knew that. You knew that if he continued down the path he was on then it was just going to end badly, things like this always did.

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