Asano Gakuho x Single Mum!Reader

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Requested by minsugabulletproof.

Y/N - Your Name

L/N - Last Name

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Colour

D/N - Daughter's Name

F/N - Friend's Name

C/C - Career Choice

F/F - Favourite Food


"Are you sure about this? I mean it's been a long time since you went on a date," you looked into the mirror, staring at your daughters' reflection. She sat on your bed with her legs crossed and an amused smile on her face.

"You're having way too much fun thinking about this," you replied to (D/N) with a small, nervous smile. (D/N) just continued to grin before nodding her head rapidly.

"I am! I'm happy (F/N) set you up with someone! You're gonna go have fun, fall in love and get married and then I'll have a baby brother or sister and-,"

"You're getting far too ahead of yourself there, (D/N)," you laughed at the teenager, who giggled happily and clapped her hands giddily.

"Did (F/N) say what your date was called?" your daughter questioned with an excited smile on her face. You stood to your feet, looking in the mirror with a nervous expression.

"How do I look?" you asked, turning to your daughter. She motioned for you to twirl with her finger. You did as she ordered and grinned when he clapped her hands and jumped to her feet.

"You look hot mom, if he doesn't fall for you I'll be surprised," your daughter winked. You let out a loud laugh at her reply before bowing slightly. Your daughter and you had a close relationship and you had always put her first in every situation, good or bad.

You walked over to your full length mirror and looked in it. You friend had told you it was a fancy restaurant that you were going to, so you decided to wear a long dark blue dress with black shoes. You walked over to a coat rack handing in your room and picked up a black coat and dark blue purse.

"The name of the man is Asano Gakuho. The address where I'll be meeting him is pinned to the fridge and there is money on the counter for food if you want to order something," you explained to the younger, who nodded her head once before tapping her chin in thought.

"I think I'll have pizza!" your daughter grinned and followed you down the stairs to the front door of your home.

"You sure I look okay?" you questioned, smoothing your dress out slightly as your phone buzzed. Your friend was picking you up and dropping you off to make sure that you didn't ditch your date.

"You're gonna knock every guy there off their feet!" (D/N) grinned widely and hugged you tightly. You placed a kiss atop the girls' forehead and quickly big her goodbye, locking the door behind you.

Your daughter yawned and quickly rushed to the living room, putting the television on and rerunning one of her favourite shows.

"Looking hot, (Y/N)," (F/N) smirked at you with a triumphant look. She was still celebrating the fact that she had actually managed to get you to go on the date she had set up... with the help of her own boyfriend.

"Thanks. What can you tell me about this guy anyway?"

"Absolutely nothing," you snapped your head to your friend in shock. She let out a loud laugh at your reaction before grinning cheekily. "You'll have to make conversation with him to find out. His name's Asano Gauho though. He's prone to wearing suits and ties and he had orange coloured hair so you won't miss him," your friend grinned cheekily.

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