Asano Gakushu x Karmas' Sibling!Reader

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Requested by BeyondTheScenes_Suga.


Despite being his twin sister you were told you were complete polar opposites. Which, in your opinion, you honestly were. Your twin – Akabane Karma – was extremely sadistic. He enjoyed watching people suffer and torturing them. Though, you had to admit at times it was for the right reason. Like the time he threatened one of your classmates because he wouldn't leave you alone, despite politely asking him to. Or the time he kicked the shit out of one of his higher ups because they spoke badly about yours and your brothers' long term friend Nagisa Shiota. That got him sent to the End Class but Karma did it for the right reason.

Whereas you – Akabane (Y/N) – were Karmas' complete opposite. You were still in the main building of the school in the highest class that there was. You weren't top of the class that honour went to the Principles' Son but you didn't mind. But, you weren't sadistic or have a devilish attitude. You were actually rather sweet. You cared for people. You were too polite for your own good. You avoided conflict and fights, it wasn't in your nature.

When you first started the school and Karmas' nature was revealed people referred to him as the 'Devil'. No one was able to speak to you properly because the redhead was always around you. Karma was the protective older brother type. But it didn't stop you from pulling the redhead away from fights and ordering him to lay off people. You even checked on a few people Karma threatened to make sure they were okay. Because of this, people started to call you as the 'Angel' of the Akabane Twins.

It was funny really, despite how true it was. You knew your brothers' nature and you accepted and since being put into E-Class he seemed to have bettered himself with his anger – though you wouldn't put it past him to try to get into a fight. You thought back to the finishing rod and the sweets you had seen in his room the evening before. Yeah, you really wouldn't put it passed him.

You looked toward the window while you sat in class. It was a long class, Maths to be exact. You understood it well and, while you did like algebra, you just couldn't focus this morning. You had stayed up late the night before with Karma, watching the finale to (F/S). Both you and Karma loved it but because it came on in the states you had to stay up until an ungodly hour to watch it which resulted in little sleep.

Though, you had to admit you were impressed with the finale. You couldn't wait to see what the next season brought.

While you stared out of the window you could feel your eyes becoming heavier and heavier with each passing second. Why? Why the hell did you deprive yourself of sleep when you knew you had a long algebra class the next day? Mistakes were made and they sure as hell weren't going to be learned from. You knew you'd do the exact same thing next year.

Your eyes were slowly starting to close as you studied the sky. It was a dull, grey colour, covered by the clouds. The bare trees blew with the gusts of wind every now and then. It was winter, one of your favourite times of year. While you liked the cold, your brother enjoyed the fall, simply because of Halloween.

You hummed slightly, feeling your start to shut down at the thought of how cold it would be outside and how you could cuddle up under a blanket when you went home with a hot chocolate and your favourite film. It was almost bliss.


It would have been bliss had someone not thrown a scrunched up piece of paper at your face.

You opened your eyes and looked at the culprit. Asano Gakushu. The Principles' Son. He had moved seats a few weeks ago and was now situated by the window. Whenever you looked outside he was in your line of view. Though, you didn't really care. You had never spoken to the orange haired boy... much anyway.

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