Free! Hiyori Tono x Reader

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Requested by teutea.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

F/C - Favourite Colour

F/F - Favourite Flavour

F/B - Favourite Book

F/S - Favourite Subject

F/G - Favourite Genre (of book)


He first noticed you in the café he attended every day. He would go in, get a coffee and sure enough you would be there, in the corner of the shop, stirring whichever drink you were having that day with a book in your hands.

At first, he didn't pay much attention to you. But as time went by, he became more and more curious. You would be sat there all the time, as if you were completely oblivious to the outside world around you.

He had been told later by a member of staff, who he knew quite well, that you were there almost every day, the exact same hour for at least an hour or two. So, his time in the café started to increase. He would stay, longer and longer, purposely picking a table in the café where he had a good view of you.

He would make sure you never saw him looking though as he studied you. You were... stunning to him. Your (H/C) hair flowed freely in your face. He noticed that your shirt was always a different shade of (F/C) and soon dubbed it as your favourite colour. You were good at coordinating your clothing. Your jeans always matched your shirt but you were never without the (F/C) jacket. It was either on the back of your chair or you wore it when it was chilly.

He noticed how, every week or so, you would have a different book in your hands, eyes scanning over the pages as quickly as they could as you escaped into the world of fiction. He found it rather charming that you were able to lose yourself in a book so quickly.

Unbeknownst to him though, you had noticed him watching you. Of course, you brought it up to the staff who assured you he wouldn't do anything to you and that he was just a shy person. You accepted their response, considering he hadn't actually done anything to you. Every now and then the staff would bring you more drinks and they would tell you more about the boy who stared at you.

You learned that his name was Tono Hiyori and that he was attending university. You learned that he mainly enjoyed black coffee and the reason that he started to spend more and more time in the coffee shop was because you were there. You snuck glances every now and then at the brunette when he thought you were glancing at your page. You had to admit he was handsome.

But you never felt the need to speak to the boy, after all, you didn't want the innocent glances to escalate into something... less than friendly in a way. However, the day came when the café was overrun and extremely busy for some ungodly reason that you were unaware of.

You sat at your usual table, book in hand, (F/F) smoothie in front of you. Your coat was draped over your shoulders due to the constant opening and closing of the shop door and the wind blowing through it, making it slightly chilly.

According to the barista that was working, the café was busy due to a nearby university that had just let out for their first exams. Apparently, it would be busy for quite a while. You sighed at the loudness, the whole reason you came to that specific café was because it was quiet and peaceful.

The sound of someone clearing their throat brought you from your thoughts and the words of your book. You looked up with a small hum and sucked in a small breath when you saw the boy who was always watching you standing in front of your table.

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