Tsukishima Kei x Reader

804 21 2

Y/N - Your name

L/N - Last name

H/C - Hair colour

H/L - Hair length

L/C - Lip colour

S/C - Skin colour

E/C - Eye colour


Lately you had been studying a lot and you hadn't had the time to visit your boyfriend, who had been busy with his Volleyball practice and his owns studying. So, in order to dislodge any boredom that could ensure you studied with others from your class.

Each and every one of them was so different. They all smiled, laughed and were genuinely interested in what you had to input in the situation. You even went out to eat with them after you had finished studying. You had study dates at the library, their houses and even your house.

You didn't tell your boyfriend, you weren't entirely sure how he would react. He wasn't exactly... easy to read and when he was annoyed or mad it wasn't scary but it wasn't pleasant. He would come out with the snarkiest and meanest insults you had ever heard. So it was just easy not to tell him.

Lately though, your so called 'study buddies' who started to turn into friends had gotten into your head and you had been dwelling and thinking a lot more regarding your relationship with your Volleyball boyfriend.

You told you friends about them, it wasn't unusual to discuss everyday life with them in study sessions, in fact it was one of the highlights. But when they heard the way you described your boyfriend and what they had seen from him in school they started to ask questions and prod and poke at your relationship. While you told them to stop and that you were happy, their words were getting into your head.

Sure, it was true. Your boyfriend wasn't the most affective person around. He didn't hold your hand in public, or kiss your forehead when you left him, or hug you when you were alone... Honestly, the more you thought about it the more you wondered if you were actually really dating him.

He would kiss you every now and then on your cheek and, when he did kiss you on your lips, it sent the best feeling ever through your body. But it was so rare that he ever kissed you, on your lips or cheeks. It was rare he ever hugged you and, you furrowed your eyebrows, he had never actually told you he loved you before.

You stopped walking for a moment or two, trying to shake the thoughts form your mind but you couldn't stop the empty, horrid feeling in your gut. You were confused, you were angry, you were upset. You didn't want to listen to your new so-called friends, but you couldn't stop yourself thinking about everything they had said.

You frowned and looked around. Where were you going again? You had something to take care of but it... it slipped your mind, at least for a moment it did. Your boyfriend, you were supposed to see him before he started practice and wait for him until he finished. He had said he would take you for something to eat but... you didn't want to.

Your moved your feet again, making your way to the gym. Each step brought you closer to your boyfriend and each step made you want to throw up. The feeling in your stomach was eating away at you. What was wrong with you?! You loved your boyfriend! You knew you did.

'Are you sure he loves you?'

You stopped outside the gym, head snapping up suddenly, more from the shock of the question that rang through your mind than the volleyball that came flying by your head. You blinked, looking behind you to the ball, the small ginger haired bot, Hinata, rushed to catch the ball while his friend yelled after him.

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