Rogue Cheney x Mute! Fairy Tail! Reader Part 2

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H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

F/C - Favourite Colour


The Grand Magic Games finally ended. The Dragons that invaded through what was known as the Eclipse Project were defeated after Natsu had smashed the gate they came through. Things returned to normal not long after that and, once again, Fairy Tail was dubbed the strongest Guild in all of Fiore.

You smoothed out your (F/C) dress, a content smile graced your face as you looked around the large ball that the King of Fiore was throwing in celebration of both the Grand Magic Games and the defeat of the Dragons.

You stood in the large ball room that was just starting to fill up with people and looked around. You knew the rest of the girls in Fairy Tail were still getting ready and some were helping the ex Sabertooth member, Yukino – was it? – get ready for the event as well.

Romeo rushed up to you with a grin on his face, but his tie was slightly crooked. You smiled gently at the small boy and kneeled down in your large dress. Romeo stopped in front of you and motioned to his tie, which you were already aware of.

"Thanks, (Y/N). My dad ended up leaving early and I can't tie a tie properly. He knew that as well," Romeo sulked with an unimpressed expression and folded his arms over his chest. You laughed quietly at the smaller boy and quickly tied the piece of clothing before standing up. "Do you have your notebook with you tonight?" Romeo questioned with a curious expression, you raised an eyebrow at the boy.

'Do I look like I could fit a notebook in this dress?' you signed to the younger boy, who laughed loudly at your reply. Romeo had been one of the first to welcome you into the Guild when you joined. When he learned you couldn't speak he rummaged through Fairy Tails' old basement for a book to help him communicate with you. It took him a while, but he managed to get the hang of reading your signs, especially when you also wrote the meaning down for him.

"That's a good point. It's a really nice dress though," Romeo complimented, grinning up at you. You released a small, silent laugh and ruffled the younger boys' hair.

'Thanks. You look very handsome in your little suit as well.'

"Are you making fun of me?"


"Wow, thanks, (Y/N)," Romeo scoffed and quickly rushed off toward the food table to get something to eat. You watched the younger boy for a moment before turning your attention to the door of the large hall so you could see who entered.

"Well, you showed us," you turned around at the sound of a new voice. Rogue stood behind you in what looked like a red suit with a white undershirt and gold covering the shoulders. He looked rather handsome. You smirked and nodded your head slightly in reply. "No notebook?" he noticed right away when you didn't write something down. You sighed silently and shook your head. "You're fine to sign, I know what you're saying," you blinked in shock as Rogue both spoke and signed his words to you.

'I'm surprised. Not a lot of people know how to sign. Still, it's better than just nodded and shaking my head and pointing all evening.'

Rogue released a small chuckle at your reply. He understood that if you were pointing and just nodding all night that it would come across as completely rude to anyone and everyone really.

'Is Frosch around?'

"He's over there with Sting and Lector," Rogue motioned to where Sting was stood talking to Natsu. Lector stood beside him in a cute little waist coat while Frosch stood in his frog suit and a gold crown. You tugged at Rogues' sleeve.

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