Inazuma Eleven Hakuryuu x Reader

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Requested by Melodic_Star.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour


He wasn't aware when he began feeling those... hell, he didn't even know how to put it, he could just call them feelings! At first, he thought he was just getting sick. His stomach would churn and he would feel like he wanted to throw up but the feeling only happened occasionally. To be more specific, it happened when you were around.

You were an old friend of his. Always there to support him, advise him, help him. Hell, you couldn't even play soccer but you still did what you could to help him practice. He found it strange but said nothing regarding the sickly feeling and it hadn't actually started until you had accidentally fallen on him one day during practice.

You had gotten so close that day. Your nose touched his but he was great at hiding his embarrassment. You, on the other hand, were different. You laughed nervously and pulled away from him soon after, scratching the back of your head. You sat up so you were straddling his waist, apologising almost a hundred times. That was the day those... feelings started to rise in his gut.

Since then, every time he saw you his stomach flipped and he felt like he was going to be sick. But other feelings occurred as well. He wanted to hit any other boy who went near you or dared to speak to you, he didn't like them near you. He didn't know what was happening.

His eyes drifted around the corridor until they landed on you. You were standing by your locked, putting things into it and taking things out. The day had finished a few minutes ago and, while he had practice and he knew he would be late, he wanted to see if you would come and watch.

Slowly, silently, he made his way over to you. You closed your locker and started to tap away on your phone, oblivious to his presence. It wasn't until he placed a hand on your shoulder that you noticed him, but you didn't jump, you knew who it would be.

"Hakuryuu, hi," you smiled at the boy. You were in different classes so you didn't see him as much as you used to. He would spend breaks and lunch with his friends and, if you were lucky, you would get the odd text every now and then from him throughout the day. But he normally always walked home with you when he didn't have practice.

As the platinum-haired boy suspected, the feeling in his gut rose again and he felt as though he was going to be sick. This look never showed physically to others though, it was just... there.

"You coming to practice?" he questioned, his voice was low and enquiring, but other than that you couldn't hear much emotion in it at all. You sighed, knowing you had forgotten something that day.

"Actually, I need to practice some stuff in the music room. I'll be there until you finish practice though," you answered with an apologetic tone in your voice. Hakuryuu would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little disappointed, but he couldn't force you to do anything you couldn't or didn't want to, and he wouldn't force you.

"All right. I'll stop by the music room to find you after practice," he replied with a small nod, his voice changing to a somewhat caring tone, or at least he tried to make it sound that way. You couldn't help but giggle. Hakuryuu had never been the caring type but he always tried to sound less arrogant around you because you were his friend.

"Sure. I'll see you then," you smiled, quickly taking off in the direction of the music room, leaving Hakuryuu with his thoughts.

You sat in the music room not long after with a guitar in your hand and a music book on the stand. When your parents were young they had you pick an instrument to learn so you had some sort of hobby. They did try to get you to participate in soccer, or other sports, but when you quit and told them you hated every single one, they gave up with that.

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