Mad Hatter x Reader

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Requested by Vrepi_Sa.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour


You sat with a bored expression in the entrance of the palace like most people did. Chessur sat on your shoulders, upside down with the same old grin on his face. Mallymkun rested in the pocket of the jacket that you had. Bayard sat at your feet and Thackery pulled at his ears while sitting beside you.

The King and Queen were to announce a congratulations for Princess Miriana for her coming of age. Her elder sister sat next to her with a displeased look on her face. Both parents seemed tense, but Miriana was smiling as if there were no tension.

You turned your attention to the group of ginger haired people standing to the right of the room. The Hightopps and one of them was missing. Tarrant. Tarrant was missing and you were unsure where he was, which only resulted in a worried feeling washing over you.

But, they were soon calmed when the door to the room you were in opened and a familiar head of ginger hair walked through with a top hat in front of his face, hiding himself from the crowd. You released a humoured chuckle at the man. Tarrant surely was an odd one.

"Fashionably late, once again," Chessur spoke with his usual grin, lounging on your shoulder more than what you thoughts was possible.

"Better late than never I always say!" Mallymkun practically squealed. You hurriedly shushed the small mouse, noticing the glare from the red princess, Iracebeth. You offered an apologetic smile but she huffed in response, turning her head from you.

"I am glad he's here, but still, quiet down. This is an important matter," you hushed your animal friends, each of them turning silent at your request.

The ceremony took an odd turn not long after it had started. It seemed as though Iracebeth had too large of a head for the crown that had been made and Mr Hightopp had a hard time trying to get it onto her head. Muttering occurred between the princess and the hat maker. But it ultimately ended in the crown being snapped in two, jewels flew everywhere in the process.

You covered your mouth with your hand, genuine shock filling your face. Surely someone should have measured her head before creating the crown?! The room was soon filled with laughter after a civilian made a remark to cover the princess' head with a paper bag. You noticed Tarrant laughing and frowned. You knew how his father was. You looked to the princess, who was stood, pacing and raging at the laughing civilians.

You stood to your feet. Not seeing a point in being in the castle anymore, the day had already been ruined. You ignored your laughing friends. You saw no benefit laughing at the princess... even if her large head was funny.

"Off... Off... Off with their heads!" you snapped your attention back to the princess. You, much like everyone else, stared at her in utter shock. How on earth could a royal say something so... horrendous?!

The King and Queen quickly excused the red haired princess and she ran up the stairs in a huff, tantrum being thrown. They and their youngest daughter quickly ran after her, leaving you and everyone to leave the palace.

"You cost the Princess her crown!" you heard the hush yells of Mr Hightopp and figured it would be best to wait for Tarrant. You knew he would be upset, after all he looked up to his father so much. "You're a disappointment to the Hightopp name!" you winced at the man. Never had you heard him so angry.

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