Mike x Reader Part 2

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H/L - Hair Length

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E/C - Eye Colour


You tossed and turned as you laid in your bed, trying your hardest to get to sleep as the events of the day replayed in your mind. You gritted your teeth in frustration, squeezing your eyes closed as you felt anger bubble up inside of you.

You were too late. All of you were. The damn Colossal Titan had blasted through the entrance to Trost while you and the Corps were on an expedition. Everyone was feeling angry, but that anger turned to confusion when they learned there was a young boy who could turn into a Titan.

"Screw this," you sighed as you sat up and threw your blankets off your figure. The nights were getting warmer, much to your dismay. You placed your warm feet on the freezing cold slabs of floor as you walked to the exit of your room.

You coughed slightly, trying to clear your throat but felt it extremely dry. Without a second thought, you made your way towards the kitchens for a bottle of water.

You quickly chugged the water as you started to rethink the days' events. All of the Survey Corps, especially Erwin and the Squad Leaders were kicking themselves for not being able to defend Trost.

But all of them were also more... nervous than anything. Actually... maybe nervous wasn't the word. You had heard rumours about Erwin and Levi attending a hearing tomorrow to see who would get custody of the boy who could change into a Titan and, because of that, everyone was on edge.

Your eyes glanced to the side as you saw a yellow light coming from a nearby door. You walked over and knocked on the door slightly before opening it, wondering why he would still be up.

"Mike?" you asked as you popped your head into the room. The blonde turned to you with tired eyes as you took another drink of your water. "Why are you still awake?" you enquired as the taller man gave a tired smile.

"I could ask you the same thing," Mike replied as you shrugged, closing the door behind you.

"I couldn't sleep. Today has just been... hell," you explained. There was no other way to say it. The day had really been a literal hell for all of you.

"I know, but you should still try to sleep," Mike sighed as you walked over to him. The blonde was leaning on a window frame, looking out towards the stables.

"Says the man who's still awake. Least I was smart at hiding still being up," you muttered as the blonde stared at you for a minute.

"You're aware you made your presence known by coming in here, right?" you waved your hand, dismissing the question.

"I was worried so give me some credit," you stated as Mike raised an eyebrow at you.

"You were worried about me?" he asked, amusement laced his voice as your fought down a blush. It was no secret to you that, over the years you had developed feelings for the blonde, even if he did still have his sniffing habit. But, what made it worse, is that you were almost a hundred percent sure he was aware of it too.

"I never said that. I'm worried about everyone," you answered as you scoffed. Mike hummed as you dare steal a glance at him. His tired eyes held amusement on his and his handsome face held one hell of a sexy smirk. You found yourself blushing quite prominently as you coughed, trying to cover it up and taking a sip of your water.

"You're aware of what's happening tomorrow, right?" Mike questioned as you hummed slightly.

"Sure, the hundred and fourth, is it? Trainee Squad will be joining their chosen Regiments and then there's the trial over the boy," you answered as if it were obvious.

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