Levi x Noble!Reader Part 2

342 13 383

Requested by minsugabulletproof.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

S/C - Skin Colour


The halls of the base were quiet. Erwin had taken the Cadets of the Survey Corps out on another expedition outside of the walls. He had ordered you to stay behind. While you were the medic for the Corps, he had explained that it was rare someone would return from an expedition injured. Most of the time they would be dead the minute they were caught in a Titans' iron grasp.

You didn't object, either way. You didn't have the foggiest idea of how to use the gear everyone practically flew around on and you had no interest in trying.

You sighed, walking around the empty halls of the base. Your footsteps echoed through the empty halls. It was rather lonely being the only person in the base. Usually Cadets would come running up to you either sprouting off about their injuries or asking multiple questions regarding your occupation.

You smiled slightly. Your favourite thing about the base had to be Levi. Levi would visit you in your medical bay or he would bring tea whenever he saw you walking around the halls. A lot of the time while he was watching the Cadets train he would often let you sit near him. He would answer any questions you had about the Titans or about the gear he and the Cadets used.

You found yourself in the courtyard after a few minutes of walking. The weather was warm. The sun was beating down from the sky onto your exposed skin. You stretched, yawning and groaning at the feeling of your muscles expanding.

You rubbed your eyes, letting them adjust to the brightness of the sun. You started to walk around the courtyard. Neither Erwin nor Levi had said when they were supposed to return, but you didn't expect them to stay gone for long.

The sound of bells started to ring throughout the air and you knew the Survey Corps was returning. The base was located in Wall Rose, away from towns, but close enough to still hear the bells that sounded when the Corps came and went.

You started back toward the medical bay you had. You knew the odds of someone being injured were high, they always were, so you needed to be ready.

When you entered the bay, you got out everything you could think of. Bandages, disinfectant, needles and threads for stitches, slings, materials for casts, if needed. You were prepared for anything.

Or, so you thought.

The sound of footsteps reached your ears. Multiple people were hurrying down the halls. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Hearing footsteps now was strange. It would normally take – at least – twenty to thirty minute for the Corps to reach base once more.

You washed your hands and pulled on a pair of gloves. Something drastic must have happened.

"(Y/N)!" the door slammed up, Jean stood huffing and puffing in the doorway. His eyes were filled with worry and fear. You rushed over to him quickly, helping him stand up right.

"Jean? What happened?" you practically demanded. Jean didn't have time to upright himself or catch his breath before he started to speak again.

"Get a bed ready!" the brunette huffed. You didn't question his demand. Instead, you turned on your heel and started to prop a bed. More footsteps sounded through the halls and, just as you finished prepping a bed, Hanji rushed in with Mike.

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